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Characters Archives: Nim

Nimrod, or “Nim,” is a chihuahua who usually speaks before he thinks, often resulting in hilarious opinions.

Getting In Step With God

christian cartoons

Getting in step with God is about the journey toward the life He wants for you. #christianity #christian #walkwithgod #lovegod

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Nim: I hear you're walking with the Lord.
Abby: That's right.

Nim: Do you ever go like, "Hey God! I'll race you to the lamp post" and then you start running before He knows what's happened?

Abby: I'm not RACING with the Lord, Nim.

Nim: Good thing. He'd probably smoke you!
Abby: Isn't there someone else you can bother?

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Psalm 27 – Whom Shall I Fear?

christian comics

The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear?” – Psalm 27 #psalm #psalm 27 #zombies #fear #nofear

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Con: Psalm 27 says "The Lord is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear?"
Nim: Zombies.

Con: What?
Nim: You should be afraid of zombies. Very afraid.

Con: First of all, the passage tells me that if I trust in God, I have nothing to fear. Secondly, there's no such thing as zombies.

Nim: That's just what they want you to think.

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All Glory To God

christian comic strip

Make sure that you recognize where your talents come from and give all glory to God. #gratitude #grateful #glorytogod

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Nim: You know what, Jerry? I reallly like helping others.
Jerry: That's great!

Nim: I know! In fact, I'd say I'm the best pup around at helping other people!

Jerry: Be careful, Nim. You don't want to brag. You should give all the glory to God.

Nim: No worries. I'm the BEST at giving all the glory to God!

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John 2:1-11 – Water Into Wine

christian comics

In John 2:1-11, Jesus turns the water into wine at the request of his mother, Mary. #miracle #miracles #wine

↓ Transcript
Nim: I know that Jesus did a lot of miracles. What was the first one?

Con: At a wedding, he turned the water into wine.

Nim: Blechhhhhh!

Nim: In my opinion, root beer would have been a tastier choice.

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The Only Things We Can Keep

CS Lewis quote

“The only things we can keep are the things we freely give to God. What we try to keep for ourselves is just what we are sure to lose.” – CS Lewis

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“The only things we can keep are the things we freely give to God. What we try to keep for ourselves is just what we are sure to lose.” - CS Lewis

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James 2:10 – Don’t Lie, Not Even A Fib

christian comics

Even a white lie is a sin in the eyes of God. Read James 2:10 today. #sinner #lying #thoushaltnotlie #lyingtongue

↓ Transcript
Abby: I told a fib yesterday, but it was just a little one. That's okay, right?

Con: Nope. James 2:10 says that if you stumble just a little bit, it's as bad as committing any sin. All sin is one and the same because all sin grows from us choosing to go ahead and do what God forbids. Sin is our willful separation from God.

Con: But Jesus saved us from all past and future sins. Ask his forgiveness and don't do it again.

Con: What did you fib about?
Abby: Remember when you asked if I liked your new cowboy hat?

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Get On Your Knees And Pray

christian comic strip

Get On Your Knees And Pray. Spend more time on your knees And you’ll walk taller everyday! #pray #prayer #knees #confidence #god-centered

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Spend more time on your knees And you’ll walk taller everyday!

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2 Samuel 6:14 – David And The Ark Of The Covenant

christian comic strip

When the Ark of the Covenant arrived, “David danced before the Lord with all his might.” – 2 Samuel 6:14 #danceforgod #danceforjesus #arkofthecovenant #kingdavid

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“David danced before the Lord with all his might.” - 2 Samuel 6:14

Abby: What are you doing?
Nim: The Ark of the Covenant dance!

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The Ten Commandments Aren’t Suggestions

christian comic strips

The Ten Commandments are NOT called “The Ten Suggestions!” #tencommandments #10commandments #bible #exodus #moses #god

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Remember! The're NOT called "The Ten Suggestions!" #tencommandments #10commandments #bible #exodus #moses #god

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Matthew 2:14 – Pharaoh Dance

christian comic strip

Matthew 2:14 tells how Joseph and Mary fled with Jesus to Egypt to evade Pharaoh’s men. #nativity #jesus #bethlehem #egypt

↓ Transcript
Abby: An angel appeared to Joseph and told him to take Mary and Jesus and flee Bethlehem.

Abby: Joseph did as he was told and they went to Egypt. (Matthew 2:14)

Nim: Egypt?!!!

Abby: Nim looks for any opportunity to do his "Pharaoh Dance."
Nim: Dee dee dee dee dee!

The angel's warning not only saved Jesus' life, but also made sure prophecy was fulfilled.

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