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Characters Archives: Nim

Nimrod, or “Nim,” is a chihuahua who usually speaks before he thinks, often resulting in hilarious opinions.

Easter Lives On

easter comic strip

Continue to celebrate the fact that Easter lives on by giving thanks for the precious and holy gift of your salvation.

↓ Transcript
Abby: It looks like another Easter is behind us.
Nim: Yep.

Abby: And God's gift of Christ's undying love lives on.
Nim: Yep.

Abby: Do you know what else lives on?
Nim: What?

Abby: The goo in my teeth from all the Peeps I ate.
Nim: Amen!!!

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Happy Easter 2016 From Prayer Pups Christian Comics!

easter cartoon

Matthew 28 details the story of Jesus Christ’s resurrection. This is a good day to read about it and meditate on its meaning.

↓ Transcript
Con: Mary Magdelene and Mary went to Christ's tomb...

Con: An angel met them and said that Jesus was not there. He had risen just as he promised. Then Jesus appeared to them and they worshipped Him.

Con: Easter is the cornerstone of our faith because Jesus saved us from our sins and showed us the way to eternal life.

Abby, Amos & Con: HAPPY EASTER!
Nim: Can I have my rock back now?

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Which Is More Important: Easter or Christmas?

easter cartoon

Easter and Christmas are the two most important holidays (or Holy Days) for Christians. Be sure to mark them with reverence and meditation.

↓ Transcript
Nim: Which is more important...Easter or Christmas?

Con: Apples and oranges.

Nim: Bananas and kumquats.
Con: What?

Nim: Oh, I thought you had changed the subject to favorite fruits.

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Jesus and Palm Sunday

christian comics

“Most of the crowd spread their garments on the road ahead of him, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road.” – Matthew 21:8

↓ Transcript
Con: Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. The people waved palm fronds at Him as they cheered His arrival.

Con: And only five days later, the crowds turned on Him and He was crucified.

Con: What can we learn from this story, Nim?

Nim: If someone waves palm fronds at you, run the other way!

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Mark 12:30 – Love The Lord

mark 12:30

“And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.” – Mark 12:30

↓ Transcript
Love The Lord!

With all your heart!

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Palm Sunday or Paw Sunday?

Palm Sunday Easter Cartoon

Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter Sunday. It commemorates the day Jesus entered Jerusalem on  donkey adn the people throwing palm leaves in front him.

↓ Transcript
Nim: So, Con, are you ready for "Paw Sunday?"

Con: "Paw Sunday?" Don't you mean "Palm Sunday?"

Nim: Nope. See?

Nim: We're dogs. We don't have palms.

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Why Should I Be Humble?


“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up in honor.” – James 4:10

↓ Transcript
Nim: Why in the world should I be humble?

Nim: I'm smart and I'm extremely talented!
Nim: I possess an incredible sense of style!
Nim: And all the ladies in church love Nim!

Abby: Because Jesus - the perfect Son of God - was humble, and we should try to be like Him.

Nim: Poodles love to rain on your parade.

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Isaac Means Laughter

isaac means laughter

Biblical names usually have meaning. For instance, Abraham means Father of nations, Isaac means laughter and Jacob means held by the heel.

↓ Transcript
Nim: Did you know that Isaac's name means "laughter?"
Con: Mm-hmm.

Nim: That's a really funny name. "Laughter."
Con: Mm-hmm.

Nim: I mean, to name a kid something like "laughter" is funny. It's not a name you hear everyday.
Con: Mm-hmm.

Nim: I wonder what "Nim" means.
Con: I don't know. "Pest," maybe?

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Not Perfect, Just Forgiven

not perfect just forgiven

Just because Christians try to live a Godly life but stumble, that doesn’t make us hypocrites. It just means we’re human! We’re not perfect, just forgiven.

↓ Transcript
Nim: My friend said Christians have to be perfect.
Con: Not true.

Nim: She said that if we weren't, then we'd be hypocrites.
Con: That's crazy!

Con: We know we aren't perfect. It's so obvious that we are nothing without Jesus that we came up with the saying: "Not perfect, just forgiven."

Nim: Phew! That's a big relief. I usually don't make it past breakfast without messing something up!

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Mark 16:17 – Cast Out Devils

cast out devil

You don’t need some new invention, just your faith in Jesus. Mark 16:17 says, “In My name shall they cast out devils.”

↓ Transcript
Nim: I've got a $1,000,000 idea!
Con: (Uh-oh!)

Nim: We invent an aerosol spray that chases the devil away whenever he's bothering you!

Nim: We could call it...Luciferaser, or Abaddon't, or Beelzebegone or the Demonstroyer!

Con: This is the dumbest...
Nim: I've got it! SataNot!

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