“The only things we can keep are the things we freely give to God. What we try to keep for ourselves is just what we are sure to lose.” – CS Lewis
Characters Archives: Nim
Nimrod, or “Nim,” is a chihuahua who usually speaks before he thinks, often resulting in hilarious opinions.
All Glory To God
Make sure that you recognize where your talents come from and give all glory to God. #gratitude #grateful #glorytogod
Jerry: That's great!
Nim: I know! In fact, I'd say I'm the best pup around at helping other people!
Jerry: Be careful, Nim. You don't want to brag. You should give all the glory to God.
Nim: No worries. I'm the BEST at giving all the glory to God!
John 2:1-11 – Water Into Wine
In John 2:1-11, Jesus turns the water into wine at the request of his mother, Mary. #miracle #miracles #wine
Con: At a wedding, he turned the water into wine.
Nim: Blechhhhhh!
Nim: In my opinion, root beer would have been a tastier choice.
James 2:10 – Don’t Lie – Not Even A Fib
Even a white lie is a sin in the eyes of God. Read James 2:10 today. #sinner #lying #thoushaltnotlie #lyingtongue
Con: Nope. James 2:10 says that if you stumble just a little bit, it's as bad as committing any sin. All sin is one and the same because all sin grows from us choosing to go ahead and do what God forbids. Sin is our willful separation from God.
Con: But Jesus saved us from all past and future sins. Ask his forgiveness and don't do it again.
Con: What did you fib about?
Abby: Remember when you asked if I liked your new cowboy hat?
Proverbs 25:15 – A Gentle Tongue
“A gentle tongue can break a bone” – Proverbs 25:15 #proverbs #bible #bibleverses #biblequotes #kindness #gentletongue
Nim: You bet! Oh, my gosh, LOOK AT THAT!
Con: What is it?
Con: I hope you didn't break a tooth.
Nim: You mean my tongue.
Con: Sure.
John 4:13-14 – Jesus and the Samaritan Woman
Jesus tells the Samaritan Woman:
Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again. But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again.
– John 4:13-14
Con: He's talking about drinking in the spirit. Jesus also says to be born again means being born of water and spirit.
Con: He's using the analogy of water to illustrate the thirst for salvation.
Nim: When my bowl of water gets slimy, I drink out of the toilet.
Waiting For His Call
God gives us all special gifts to serve Him if we just answer His call. #godscalling #servegod #godslove #loveofchrist
Amos: We can serve him in church, school, our jobs or our daily lives. All we have to do is wait for his call.
Amos: HELLO?!
Amos: Hi Abby. No, I was just expecting someone else.
Acts 9 – The Road to Damascus
The Apostle Paul converted to Christianity on the Road to Damascus. #christianity #apostle #conversion #jesus #acts9
Con: Why do you think that?
Nim: Because he cavorted to Christianity.
Con: He didn't "cavort." He converted to Christianity.
Nim: Oh.
Nim: So what you're saying is that he converted on the road to da mattress?
Definition of Grace
Make sure that when someone asks you about grace or salvation or Jesus, you give them an answer that helps them. #grace #blessed #gracedefined #godsgrace
Con: Well, Nim, "grace" is the state of sanctification by God or the personification of one who is under such divine influence. And it's important to note that the presence of grace is anathema to the commission of sin.
Nim: Mm, hmm. I see. Very interesting.
Nim: Abby, what does "grace" mean?
Mark 1:15 – The Good News
The Kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news! – Mark 1:15 #mark1 #goodnews #thegoodnews #gospel #jesus #saved
Con Can't find any what?
Nim: Good news. My pastor says that I should spread the good news, but this paper is full of nothing but bad news.
Con: The good news isn't in the newspaper. The good news is the fact that Jesus is our savior. We're supposed to spread that news to everyone we meet.
Nim: Boy! Let me tell you, this paper could benefit from some of that good news.
Con: No doubt.