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Characters Archives: Nim

Nimrod, or “Nim,” is a chihuahua who usually speaks before he thinks, often resulting in hilarious opinions.

Onward Christian Soldiers!

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Onward Christian Soldiers, marching as to war; with the cross of Jesus, going on before. – 19th Century Hymn

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Christian Soldier

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Mark 13:32 – Antichrist On Earth Now?

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Mark 13:32 shows us the futility of humans trying to determine when the antichrist will come. We can’t know!

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Abby: So you're saying the antichrist could be on earth now?

Con: It only makes sense. Jesus said no one knows when the end will come except for God. Not angels, not even the Son. That includes satan. So he must have someone ready in every generation who can become antichrist.

Nim: Fascinating. I wonder who is out there right now, unaware that he might become the ultimate evil on earth.

Abby: My money's on whoever created the "choke collar."

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John 3:16 – Condensed New Testament

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John 3:16 is believed by many to the Bible’s defining verse. It says it all about God’s love, His plan and Salvation through Christ.

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Nim: Hey, Con! Check out my new Condensed-Version of the New Testament.
Con: What?!

Con: How could anyone be so bold as to try to take the New Testament and condense it? What on earth does it say?

Nim: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Con: Oh.

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Thank God For Friends

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Friends are among God’s greatest gifts. They’re the family you choose. #friends #friendship #pray #prayer

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Nim: Father, I don't know how to make it through this difficult time.

Nim: It's hard to deal with the burdens that I'm facing. But I know you're with me and that you will always give me what I need to carry on.

(Looks at tree with friends names)

Nim: Like all my friends. Thank you for them.

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Tested By God

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If you’re going through a hard time, remember that you might be tested by God, but He will never leave you.

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Con: Have things gotten better?
Nim: Not really.

Con: Well, try not to worry. You won't have to face anything that you can't handle. Just remember that God tests all of us from time to time.

Nim: Test?!!! There's going to be a test?!!! This just keeps getting worse!!! I hope it's a multiple choice test!

Con: Wrong kind of test.
Nim: Abby! I need a tutor! Stat!

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Blessings of Brokenness

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Every Christian faces difficult times, but God is there to help you through them. And great blessings often follow. #blessings #godslove #trials

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Nim: I've been having a rough time lately. Why is God letting this happen?

Abby: Isaiah and 1 Peter speak of believers in terms of gold, which is "tried" by fire to become pure. Likewise, people become pure by being "tried."

Abby: But you should always remember that some of God's greatest blessings can only come from hard times. Charles Stanley calls them the Blessings of Brokenness.
Nim: (!)

Nim: Dang! Those must be some strong blessings!

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Jesus Is My Rock

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Jesus is my rock and always will be. “The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior;” – Psalm 18:2

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Jesus is my rock

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Getting In Step With God

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Getting in step with God is about the journey toward the life He wants for you. #christianity #christian #walkwithgod #lovegod

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Nim: I hear you're walking with the Lord.
Abby: That's right.

Nim: Do you ever go like, "Hey God! I'll race you to the lamp post" and then you start running before He knows what's happened?

Abby: I'm not RACING with the Lord, Nim.

Nim: Good thing. He'd probably smoke you!
Abby: Isn't there someone else you can bother?

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Psalm 27 – Whom Shall I Fear?

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The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear?” – Psalm 27 #psalm #psalm 27 #zombies #fear #nofear

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Con: Psalm 27 says "The Lord is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear?"
Nim: Zombies.

Con: What?
Nim: You should be afraid of zombies. Very afraid.

Con: First of all, the passage tells me that if I trust in God, I have nothing to fear. Secondly, there's no such thing as zombies.

Nim: That's just what they want you to think.

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Get On Your Knees And Pray

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Get On Your Knees And Pray. Spend more time on your knees And you’ll walk taller everyday! #pray #prayer #knees #confidence #god-centered

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Spend more time on your knees And you’ll walk taller everyday!

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