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Characters Archives: Amos

His desire for food is only outweighed by his love for God…but it’s a really close call.

No Calories

church food

It’s important to remember that not everything you hear from others is true. Read your Bible to make sure you don’t just believe what others tell you about God.

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Con: I hear you told Nim food has no calories if eaten in church.
Amos: That's right!

Con: No, that's wrong. Food always has calories.
Amos: Really? Oh, well. No harm, no foul.

Con: Then I guess you haven't seen him?
Amos: Seen who?

Nim: Hi guys, what's shaking?

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Church Dinner

church dinner cartoon

Contrary to what Amos thinks, church dinners are just as fattening as any other dinner. If you want to lose weight, it takes a lot of work!

↓ Transcript
Amos: I can't wait for the church dinner this week!

Amos: I'm going to have 2 hamburgers, a giant plate of fries, some of those big pickles, a couple of chocolate milks and desserts!

Nim: Hon on, Amos...I thought you were on a diet. That's a lot of calories.

Amos: I am. But food you eat in church doesn't have any calories.
Nim: Hot dog!

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New Business Cards

christian comic strip

New business cards are meant to spread information about a company or person. But it’s everyone’s business to spread the love of Jesus.

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Amos: My new business cards just came in.

Con: That's great, Amos. Let me see one.

Con: I don't understand. All this says is "Jesus loves you."

Amos: I know. Spreading the love of Jesus is my business!

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Church Podcast

church podcast

A church podcast is a great resource. It can help those who can’t leave their home, are on vacation or those who simply want to listen to a sermon again.

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Abby: I'm listening to the church podcast!

Abby: Do you ever listen to it?

Amos: No. I like kickin' it old-school!

Amos: I just sit my pod down in a pew every Sunday and listen to the preacher.

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Stomp On The Devil’s Head

christian comic stomp on the devil's head

It’s a lot of fun to stomp on the devil’s head. Try it now and see how it makes you feel.

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Nim: Sing that song you sang in church on Sunday, Amos!

Amos: Stomp on the devil's head! Stomp on the devil's head!

Amos & Nim: Stomp! Stomp! Stomp!

Nim: Do you know any songs about kicking the devil in the booty?

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Always Remember…God Loves You!

always remember...god loves you

Always remember that God loves you. No matter who your are or what you’ve done, you are ALWAYS loved by God. And your salvation comes only from accepting Jesus Christ into your heart.

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Always Remember... God Loves You!

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Matthew 4:19 Fishers of Men

matthew 4 19 comic strip

Amos and Nim try to figure out how to be “fishers of men.”

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Amos: We've been reading Matthew in the Bible at church.

Amos: In Matthew 4:19, Jesus says "Come follow Me. I will make you fishers of men."

Nim: Wow! I wonder what kind of bait you would use to fish for men.

Amos: Probably hot dogs or spicy wings.
Nim: Or tacos.

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The Epistles

the epistles

Nim says his church’s Children’s Minister asked about the Epistles. #kidmin #childrensminister #bible #biblestories #apostle

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Nim: My children's minister asked me what the Epistles were.

Nim: And I said, "They were the wives of the Apostles."

Amos: "What did he say?"

Nim: "Not muc. He just put his face in his hands and mumbled "Give me strength, Lord."

The Epistles were letters Paul wrote that are now books in the Bible.

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Genesis 5:27 – Methuselah

methusalah genesis 5:27

Con tells Amos about Methuselah, the oldest man to ever live. Genesis 5:27 says he lived 969 years.

↓ Transcript
Con: Methuselah was the oldest man to ever live.

Con: Genesis 5:27 says that he lived to be 969 years old!

Amos: 969 years?

Amos: How did they fit all the candles on the cake?

Men lived longer before the flood than after it. Adam lived 920 years, but Moses only lived 70 years.

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Church Choir – Sing Joyfully To The Lord

church choir

Nim’s joined the church choir, but he doesn’t think the music minister likes the way he sings.

↓ Transcript
Nim: I don't think our music minister likes the way I sing.

Amos: I'm sure you're mistaken. The important thing is that you sing joyfully to the Lord.

Nim: I know.
Amos: Then why do you think that?

Nim: Because he gave me a hymnal without any words.
Amos: Ouch.

Even if you can't carry a tune, God loves to hear you sing praise to him.

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