When a pastor or preacher asks if you “know your way home,” it means “your eternal home in Heaven.” Find someone today who needs to know their way home and spread the Good News.
Nim: Our pastor asked us if we knew "our way home."
Nim: So I said, "Duh, not only do I know MY way home, but I know where YOU live too, Pastor. In fact, I'm quite fond of that fire hydrant in your front yard."
Amos: Oh, Nim. You didn't!
Nim: Yep, I did.
Nim: Did you know a preacher's face turns purple before it turns red?
Amos: My church had six baptisms this past Sunday.
Con: That's awesome! You know, every time my church goes through one of our rituals, I can actually feel my relationship with God grow. It strengthens my faith and helps me to become an active part of the "Body of Christ."
Con: How did the baptisms make you feel, Amos?
Amos: Hungry! We were 30 minutes late getting out of church!
Amos: I'm worried about where my next meal will come from.
Con: That's silly. Your master will always feed you.
Con: Besides, Matthew 6:26 says, "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"
Amos: I didn't hear anything about Eukanuba in that verse.
The Bible offers us numerous suggestions for learning to deal with patience while waiting for things. And the Fruits of the Spirit grow in their own time.
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Nim: Professor Amos, how do I get the Fruits of the Spirit?
Amos: By accepting Christ, they are already growing inside you. It takes time, prayer and faith. But God will give them to you.
Nim: Couldn't I just buy them in a convenient juice box?
Be patient, it takes time for the Fruits of the Holy Spirit to grow within you.
If you pursue a relationship with God above all material things, he will take care of you just as he does the birds of the air. Read today’s passage and give thanks for all the things he’s blessed you with.
Amos: I'm worried about where my next meal will come from.
Con: That's silly. Your Master will always feed you.
Con: Besides, Matthew 6:26 says, "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"
Amos: I didn't hear anything about Eukanuba in that verse.
It’s important to remember that not everything you hear from others is true. Read your Bible to make sure you don’t just believe what others tell you about God.
A church podcast is a great resource. It can help those who can’t leave their home, are on vacation or those who simply want to listen to a sermon again.