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Characters Archives: Amos

His desire for food is only outweighed by his love for God…but it’s a really close call.

Men of the Bible: Joseph

men of the bible - joseph

Amos learns something new about Joseph and the men of the bible. #coatofmanycolors #biblicalmen #menofthebible #bible #nativity

↓ Transcript
Amos: We talked about Joseph this week in church.

Amos: He plays a key role in the Bible.

Con: Joseph, Mary's husband? Or Joseph, as in his coat of many colors?

Amos: I didn't realize his wardrobe was important.

Both Josephs were important, but at Christmas time, it's good to learn about Mary's husband.

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Memorial Day – John 15:13

veterans day

We salute all of our veterans, especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Thank you.

John 15:13

↓ Transcript
Con: This is a Holy Day.
Amos: A day we pay tribute to those who protect us & our freedoms.
Nim: John 15:13 says it best, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
Abby & Jerry: May God bestow a special blessing upon each and every one of America's veterans.

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