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Characters Archives: Amos

His desire for food is only outweighed by his love for God…but it’s a really close call.

Exodus 3:14 – I Am Who I Am

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Exodus 3:14 – I Am Who I Am #bibleverse #biblequote #bibleverses #biblequotes

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I am who I am - Exodus 3:14

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Colossians 3:23 – Productivity And Work

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Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. – Colossians 3:23

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Amos: I've been feeling a bit depressed lately.

Con: I hate to hear that. Have you talked to your pastor?

Amos: Yeah. Today he suggested that people can feel down when they don't think they are productive. So he said that I should make it my goal to finish everything that I start.
Con: Did that help?

Amos: Did it ever! So far, I've finished 2 pizzas, 3 candy bars and a big thing of caramel popcorn!

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Say Amen

christian comic strip

Every day for a Christian is a new battle with Satan. Work hard. Amen! #amen #iamachristian #jesus #christianworkout

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Jerry: If you want to be a good Christian, you've got to work at it.
Amos: Say amen!

Jerry: The devil starts early, so you have to work hard every day.
Amos: Say Amen!

Jerry: Work at being good! Work at being true! Work at being the best Christian you can possibly be!
Amos: Say Amen!

Jerry: Now drop and give me twenty!
Amos: Say what?

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Attitude of Gratitude

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Do you have an attitude of gratitude? #gratitude #grateful #thankful #thanks #blessed #blessings #iamachristian

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Amos: What do you view as the world's biggest's problem?

Con: That's easy...lack of gratitude.

Con: If we were all just more grateful for what God has given us instead of worrying about what we don't have, most of the world's problems would be cleared up. What do you think is the biggest problem today?

Amos: Lack of cookies.

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Preparing To Walk With The Lord

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Your walk with the Lord will be the most important walk you make. #walkwithjesus #walkwithgod #crossfit #crosstrainers

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Amos: What's in the shopping bag, Abby?

Abby: Con got me thinking that I need to improve my walk with the Lord, so I bought a new pair of sneakers.

Amos: What kind of sneakers can improve your walk with the Lord?

Abby: Cross-trainers!

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Great Testimonies

testimony cartoon

“Great TESTIMONIES come from being TESTED. Otherwise, we would just have STORYMONIES.” – Jason Mason Bassist for The Already Dead #testimony #iamachristian #christianband

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“Great TESTIMONIES come from being TESTED. Otherwise, we would just have STORYMONIES.” - Jason Mason Bassist for The Already Dead

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Waiting For His Call

christian comic strip

God gives us all special gifts to serve Him if we just answer His call. #godscalling #servegod #godslove #loveofchrist

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Amos: God gives us all special gifts and calls us to serve Him in our own unique way.

Amos: We can serve him in church, school, our jobs or our daily lives. All we have to do is wait for his call.

Amos: HELLO?!

Amos: Hi Abby. No, I was just expecting someone else.

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The Book of Job

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What does the Book of Job mean? #bible #bibleverse #bibleverses #iamachristian #christiancomics

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Amos: I really don't understand the book of Job.

Con: Well, Job is definitely one of the most difficult books of the Bible.

Con: Theologians have argued for centuries about the questions it raises. Why would God let Job suffer? Are Job's friends right that he must have been living in sin? What is the lesson we're supposed to learn from the book?

Amos: I mean I don't understand why it's pronounced "JOBE" instead of "JOBB."

The book of Job inspired the popular saying "The patience of Job."

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Matthew 4:4 – Not On Bread Alone

christian comic strip

Jesus said, “It is written: Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” – Matthew 4:4 #bible #bibleverse #bibleverses #biblequote

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Con: The Holy Spirit led Jesus into the desert, where He ate absolutely nothing for 40 days.

Con: Then the devil tempted Him, saying "You're the Son of God, turn this stone into bread."

Con: But Jesus said, "Man does not live by bread alone."
Amos: Amen to that!

Amos: There's also cookies and bacon and cupcakes and jelly beans and ...

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Genesis 21:6 – God Has Brought Me Laughter

christian comic strip

God has brought me laughter & everyone who hears about this will laugh with me. – Genesis 21:6 #genesis #genesis21 #noah #christiancomic

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Nim: Why didn't Noah go fishing?
Amos: Why?

Nim: Because he only had two worms! Get it? Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Nim: Ha! Ha! Ha! Hee! Hee! Hee...Ha...Ho...Umm...Uh...Ahem...

Nim: What's the matter, Amos? Did somebody bury your sense of humor bone?

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