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Characters Archives: Nim

Nimrod, or “Nim,” is a chihuahua who usually speaks before he thinks, often resulting in hilarious opinions.

Messages May Be Given To The Pastor’s Secretary

christian comics

Make sure everyone at your church knows what’s going each week by getting your news in to the church’s bulletin or newsletter.

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Con: You made a great church bulletin this week. But you mispelled "messages."

Con: This says that "massages" may be given to the Pastor's secretary.

Nim: !

Nim: No wonder she looked so relaxed all week.

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Aaron and the Golden Calf

aaron and the golden calf

Nim discusses Aaron and the Golden Calf, which was a false idol. #falseidols #bible #exodus #biblestories #christianity

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Nim: The golden calf Aaron built was idolatry.

Nim: So God told Moses to get rid of the calf.

Nim: And that's where we get the word "de-calf."

Con: No it's not.
Nim: Can I get a refill here?

Aaron melted down all the gold earrings the Israelites had to build the golden calf.

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2 Samuel 6 – Ark Of The Covenant Dance

ark of the covenant dance comic strip

Wouldn’t it be great if everyone’s love of God was so pure and exciting that we danced like King David for Him? 2 Samuel 6:14

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Abby: What are you doing?
Nim: The Ark of the Covenant dance!

Nim: When the Ark was delivered to the Temple, King David danced like crazy in praise to God.

Nim: It's a lot of fun. Want to join me?
Abby: Maybe...

Abby: What would offer God more praise? The Cabbage Patch or the Frug?

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Gratitude: What Simple Things Are You Thankful To God For?

gratitude to god for little things

Gratitude is important in all things.

Abby tells Nim that he should be thankful for the little things and gets an answer she doesn’t expect. The Bible says we should thank God for all things… what are you thankful for?

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Abby: We should have Gratitude l to God for giving us even the simplest of things.

Nim: Like grass.

Abby: Yes, Nim. That's very sweet that you're grateful for grass. What made you think of it so quickly?

Nim: I can't go potty unless the ground has grass on it.

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christian music

Unspoken’s song “Higher” is just one of so many awesome Christian songs that can help you develop an even closer connection to God.

↓ Transcript
Nim: Who sings the Christian song “Higher”?
Con: It’s Unspoken.

Nim: Why is it unspoken?
Con: Because they singed it.
Nim: Who sings it?
Con: Like I said, it’s Unspoken.

Nim: Why won’t you tell me?
Con: I am telling you.
Nim: I asked who sings “Higher,” and you say it’s unspoken.
Con: That’s right.
Nim: What’s right?
Con: It’s unspoken!
Nim: Aaargggghhhhh!

Nim: You’re enjoying this, right?
Con: Oh, yeah!

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Proverbs 6 – Sow Discord

proverbs 6 comic - dissention among brothers

There are six things the Lord hates—
    no, seven things he detests:
haughty eyes,
    a lying tongue,
    hands that kill the innocent,
a heart that plots evil,
    feet that race to do wrong,
a false witness who pours out lies,
    a person who sows discord in a family.

– Proverbs 6:16-19

↓ Transcript
Nim: The 7th thing God hates is someone who stirs up distemper among brothers.

Abby: That's discord...not distemper.

Nim: Are you sure?
Abby: Absotively.


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Proverbs 6 – A False Witness Who Pours Out Lies

proverbs 6 comic - gossip

According to Proverbs 6:19, the sixth thing the Lord hates is “a false witness who pours out lies.” That means speaking untruths about others.

↓ Transcript
Nim: I hear that Abby is a gossip.

Con: Have you ever heard her being a gossip with your own ears?

Nim: No.
Con: Then you're the gossip.

Nim: I hear that Abby is cool and smart and so good-looking!
Con: Nice try.

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Proverbs 6 – Feet That Rush To Evil

proverbs 6 comic - feet that rush to evil

The fifth thing God hates are feet that are quick to rush to evil, because they betray a heart that secretly dwells in dark places.

↓ Transcript
Nim: No! Bad feet!!! No! Bad feet! No!!!

Con: What are you doing?

Nim: The fifth thing the Lord hates are feet that are quick to rush to evil.
Con: And?

Nim: And I'm practicing how to stop them, just in case it ever comes up.

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Proverbs 6 – Wicked Schemes

proverbs 6 comic - wicked schemes

The Bible tells us in Proverbs 6:16-19 that the fourth thing God hates is “a heart that devises wicked schemes.”

↓ Transcript
Nim: Define "wicked scheme."
Con: Pardon me?

Nim: The 4th thing God hates are wicked schemes and I'm not sure what those are.
Con: Well, a wicked scheme would be an unrighteous act that is extremely offensive both morally and spiritually.

Nim: Would acting really cute for my master JUST to get an extra cookie be a wicked scheme?
Con: No.


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Proverbs 6 – Hands That Shed Innocent Blood

proverbs 6 comic - hands that shed blood

Proverbs 6 tells us that the third thing God detests are hands that shed innocent blood. Murder is an abomination to God.

↓ Transcript
Nim: God must hate cats!
Con: Why?

Nim: Because Proverbs 6:17 says that among the things God hates are hands that shed innocent blood.

Nim: Cats kill mice. Ergo, God hates cats!

Con: You do know that cats don't have hands, don't you?
Nim: Filthy cats!

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