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Characters Archives: Nim

Nimrod, or “Nim,” is a chihuahua who usually speaks before he thinks, often resulting in hilarious opinions.

I Hate Broccoli

funny christian comic

Sometimes I wish God had made healthy foods like broccoli, brussel sprouts and liver taste more like ice cream, candy and tacos.

↓ Transcript
Nim: Why did God make all the healthy food taste so bad?

Abby: What are you talking about? Broccoli is good for you AND it's delicious!

Nim: Broccoli?! BLEEECCCCHHHH!!!

Abby: Be careful. Your face might freeze like that.
Nim: Make me eat broccoli and it probably will.

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Obedience To God Part 5

christian webcomic

God’s Word is absolute and let us know what is right or wrong. Don’t try to rewrite His laws for your own selfish purposes, instead try to show obedience to god to be more like Christ.

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Nim: How's your obedience class?
Abby: Oh, I'm very obedient now!

Abby: In fact, I now see that too many people try to get around God's laws by pointing out the gray areas.

Abby: But I'm here to tell you...things are either right or wrong. Black or white. Everything is either black or white.
Nim: Not everything.

Nim: You're PINK and white.

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Church Volunteer

christian comics

Whatever you unique and special talent is, your church needs it. So get in the game and become a church volunteer! It’ll change your life!

↓ Transcript
Abby: How do you like volunteering at your church?

Nim: It seems like they're trying to work me to death!

Abby: That's because so few do the work for so many. Just remember, churches are like football games...

Abby: 1,000 on the sidelines who need some exercise and 22 people in the game who need some rest.

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Volunteer At Church

christian cartoon

Volunteer for something at your church this week to help out. Then do whatever you’re asked to do with joy in your heart, no matter how small the task might be.

↓ Transcript
Nim: I've started volunteering at my church during the week.

Nim: But all they ever give me are small jobs.

Con: Just remember, Nim: There are no small jobs, only small people.

Nim: But I'm the SMALLEST one there!

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Reading C.S. Lewis

christian comics

C.S. Lewis used his imagination and gift of writing to spread the Word of Jesus Christ…and to entertain millions for many years. What’s your special talent?

↓ Transcript
Nim: I'm reading C.S. Lewis.
Abby: I love his books!

Abby: You know, Aslan the Lion represents Jesus. Lewis decide to use the big cat because...
Nim: Lions aren't cats.

Abby: Of course they are.
Nim: No. They're big, noble, majestic dogs.

Abby: They're cats!!!
Nim: La-la-la-la...I can't hear you!

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1 Samuel 17 – David And Goliath

david and goliath cartoon

There are people who will tell you false stories about the Bible, so don’t believe everything you hear. 1 Samuel 17 details the real story of David and Goliath.

↓ Transcript
Nim: My friend David claims he wrote the Psalms.
Con: Well, KING David wrote them.

Nim: Hey David!!! I know you fibbed about the Psalms, man!

Con: How do you know him?
Nim: He's famous! He's the one who fought that giant dog, Goliath!

Con: Uh...maybe not.

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Apologetics Part 4

christian comic strip

The whole point of apologetics is to win souls for Christ…not to win an argument. So defend your faith strongly, but check your attitude and make sure you’re doing it out of love.

↓ Transcript
Con: You've got to stop, Nim. Apologetics doesn't mean telling non-believers to "catch a clue, dude!"

Nim: I know.

Nim: How about if I tell some of them to go jump in a lake?

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Apologetics Part 3


Don’t be like Nim. Apologetics is defending your faith, it’s also one of the most powerful ways to bring non-believers to a relationship with Jesus Christ.

↓ Transcript
Nim: This apologetics stuff is really easy. All I have to do is defend my faith, which is simple.

Con: Simple? Really? What do you say when someone denies God? How do you respond to attacks against Jesus? Where do you take a conversation that's so conflict-ridden?

Nim: Well, I find it helpful to take a deep breath, look them in the eye and go...

Nim: (Sticks tongue out) PPPLLLLLLBBBBBB!!!

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Apologetics Part 2


Apologetics is a daily fight. Practice telling the story of how Christ has worked in your life by engaging with someone else who’s struggling today.

↓ Transcript
Nim: Why is telling others about Jesus called apologetics?

Nim: I don't have anything to be sorry for.

Abby: It doesn't mean "to apologize." It comes from the Greek word "apologia," which means "to defend."

Nim: Oh, I was wrong. I apologetize.

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Apologetics Part 1


Don’t be afraid to tell others about your relationship with Jesus. It’s called apologetics and it’s important to spread the Word of Christ.

↓ Transcript
Nim: I've been telling others about Jesus.
Con: That's great, Nim!

Con: Apologetics is fascinating. Some people use facts to share their beliefs from an intellectual viewpoint. Some use emotional pleas to build commonality. And others use confrontation, arguing their beliefs to the end.

Con: What do you use to tell others about Christ, Nim?

Nim: My mouth.

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