Just like when we’re dieting, Christians must be resolute in their obedience. The body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit and deserves to be treated as holy.
Amos: The vet made my master put me on a diet.
Nim: How's that going?
Amos: I realized that being on a diet is lot like our journey as Christians. Every morning, we have to wake up and make a decision to be faithful or not.
Nim: Yeah, but at least with a diet, you don't have the devil whispering in your ear to be bad.
Amos: I don't know. I've always thought the devil might come dressed as a cupcake.
Are you doing things to bring glory to God or to bring glory to yourself? If it’s to feed your ego or benefit you in this world, pray now that God will open your eyes to his plan for your life.
Amos: So your quest for world domination has come to a close, huh?
Nim: Yeah, I finally understood that I was putting my faith in money instead of in God. And that God is the only one Who can have dominion over the world.
Amos: That's a very mature attitude.
Nim: I know. And now I can focus on what I REALLY want.
The Bible has a lot of great advice and counsel to give each of us in every decision and plan we make. Just make sure you understand what it actually says.
God will satisfy all of your needs if you’ll turn your life over to Him. Instead of carrying the weight of trying to manage things you can’t control, lay it all at God’s feet
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