Don’t look for God to just be a big vending machine, where you pull a lever and what you ask for drops down. Keep your prayers sincere and Christ-centered.
Nim: You lied to me! You said prayer works, but it doesn't!
Con: What?
Nim: I prayed for a million dollars and I didn't get squat.
Con: That's not prayer! Thats just looking to God to just give you what YOU want. Honest prayer is selfless and sincere. It draws you closer to God.
Nim: I guess I need to call the dealership and cancel my Porsche, huh?
Con: A Porsche? What would you do with a Porsche?
Con: Give it to my owner so I could hang my head out the window like this!
Some churches are big and others are small. It doesn’t matter which you go to as long as you’re having fellowship in God. Find the church that fits you best.
“Never pay back evil with more evil. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable.Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.” – Romans 12:17-18
Nim: Since I started writing for the church bulletin, nothing's happened!
Abby: What do you mean nothing? Last week was grade school promotions, the teens volunteered at a homeless shelter and a missionary visited from Nigeria.
Nim: Yeah, but nothing that would let me shout, STOP THE PRESSES!!!
Abby: But we don't have presses. We only have a Xerox.
Nim: You know what I mean.
Abby: So I hear you're writing for the church bulletin.
Nim: Yep!
Nim: I've found my true calling. I'm going to rip the lid off corruption, take on the special interests and invoke fear at the very mention of my name.
Abby: Mmm, hmm. And what did you write about the church picnic?
Nim: Pish, posh! Noboddy cares about that trifle.
Abby: I care!
Nim: No, you just THINK you do. My job is to tell you what you SHOULD care about.