Characters Archives: Jerry

Jeremiah, or “Jerry,” is a dalmatian who thinks everyone should have spots, too. Jerry loves to tell really corny jokes.

Matthew 6 – Solomon And The Flowers

christian comic

Matthew 6 helps us to stop spending our days worrying about what we don’t have and always remember to give thanks to the Lord for what we do have!

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Abby: I've been praying for a new wardrobe.

Jerry: Don't do that. Matthew 6 instructs us not to worry about clothes. After all, flowers don't worry about how they look. And not even Solomon in all his splendor looked as good as they do.

Abby: You men just don't understand anything.

Abby: Florals are "out" this season.

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God Is Greater Than Your Problems

christian meme

God Is Greater Than Your Problems

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God is greater than your problems!

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Obedience To God Part 2

funny christian comics

Stop fighting for what YOU want in your life and start listening to what God wants FOR you. It will be so much better than anything you could imagine.

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Jerry: How is the obedience training going?
Abby: I have a sore throat.

Abby: I was so busy straining against my collar that I couldn't pay attention to my master's voice.

Abby: But when I stopped fighting him and listened, then I understood that he was looking out for me and wanted what was best for me.

Jerry: That sounds just like our relationship with God.
Abby: But with a sore throat.

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Good Morning Lord [COMIC]

christian cartoon

Do you wake up every morning thankful to God for all he does for you? Starting tomorrow, try to take a few minutes to say “Good Morning Lord!”

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Abby: I have a routine every day.
Jerry: What is it?

Abby: I jump out of bed before the alarm goes off, take a big drink of water and shout, "Good morning, Lord!"

Jerry: I have a similar routine.

Jerry: I jump out of bed and reach to turn the alarm off, but knock my water over instead and shout, "Good Lord, is it morning already?"

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The Big Easter Play

bible comics

Many churches in America stage plays at Easter time, retelling the story of Jesus Christ’s resurrection and the gift of salvation.

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Abby: Have you started learning your lines for the big Easter play?

Jerry: Started? Why, I've already memorized every single word.

Jerry: I know my part like the back of my...HEY! What is that? I've never seen THAT before!!!

Abby: You're not exactly filling me with confidence.
Jerry: No. Seriously. What IS that? A mole?

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Do Not Be Afraid – Christian Meme

christian comic strip

The Bible tells us “do not be afraid” 365 times. That’s one reassurance for every day of the year. Listen to God when He says that He’s got this!

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Don't be afraid!!!

God's got this!

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It’s Officially Spring, Time To Party!

easter cartoon

Go out and celebrate the wonderful gift of spring and have a lot of fun. But take a moment to reflect on what this week is really about.

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Abby: What's with the jams?
Jerry: It's officially spring, buddy!

Jerry: Time to party! Whoo-hoo! PAR-TAAAAAYYYYY!

Abby: It's also the most holy week of the year. Time to reflect and give praise.
Jerry: I've got that covered too!

Jerry: Great job, God! Whoo-hoo! PUH-RAAAAISSSE!

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Volunteering At Church

christian comic strips

Your church is a great place to volunteer and get involved, but make sure you don’t overextend yourself (And don’t give dogs coffee).

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Abby: I'm really tired. I'm just dragging along.

Abby: I've been working at the church, singing in praise band, chairing a Mother's Day lunch and trying to keep up with the poodle group Bible study.

Jerry: Sounds like you're burrning the candle at both ends.

Abby: More like I'm pitching candles into a bonfire with wild abandon.
Jerry: I'll make coffee.

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10,000 Thanks!

christian contest

We’ll reach 10K followers on Instagram this weekend & we’re having a contest where you can win advanced copies of the new Prayer Pups book!

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10,000 Thanks!

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