Getting in step with God is about the journey toward the life He wants for you. #christianity #christian #walkwithgod #lovegod
↓ TranscriptNim: I hear you're walking with the Lord.
Abby: That's right.
Nim: Do you ever go like, "Hey God! I'll race you to the lamp post" and then you start running before He knows what's happened?
Abby: I'm not RACING with the Lord, Nim.
Nim: Good thing. He'd probably smoke you!
Abby: Isn't there someone else you can bother?
Today is a great day to walk with Jesus. @themercyme @Lauren_Daigle @cecewinans @annewilsonmusic @taurenwells
↓ TranscriptWater? Check.
Nutrition bar? Check.
MP3 Player? Check.
Abby: When starting your walk with the Lord, make sure you're prepared for a marathon.
Your walk with the Lord will be the most important walk you make. #walkwithjesus #walkwithgod #crossfit #crosstrainers
↓ TranscriptAmos: What's in the shopping bag, Abby?
Abby: Con got me thinking that I need to improve my walk with the Lord, so I bought a new pair of sneakers.
Amos: What kind of sneakers can improve your walk with the Lord?
Abby: Cross-trainers!
Every day is a new opportunity to improve our walk with God. #walkwithgod #bible #iamachristian #godlywalk #walkwithjesus
↓ TranscriptCon: We all need to improve our walk with the Lord.
Abby: I agree. And preparing ourselves beforehand can help to make the most of that walk.
Con: That's very insightful, Abby. Do we prepare by examining our sinful nature? Or by seeking counsel with mentors? Or by praying for guidance?
Abby: Or do we prepare by buying a cute new pair of shoes?