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Tag Archives | trinity

Holy Trinity | The Father, The Son and the Holy Moly?

holy trinity

The Holy Trinity confuses Nim…as usual.


Con: You gave a speech about the Holy Trinity in Sunday School? Awesome! Tell me about it.

Nim: God is made up of three parts: The Father, The Son and The Holy Moly!

Con: You mean The Holy Spirit.
Nim: Hmm…are you sure?
Con: Positive.
Nim. Oh.

Nim: That would explain why my children’s minister put his face in his hands.

Matthew 28:19 says…

Go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

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Oh Christmas Tree

christmas tree cartoon

The triangle shape of the Christmas Tree should remind you of the Holy Trinity. #christmascartoon #christmastree #christmas #jesus #holytrinity #iamachristian

↓ Transcript
Con: I love Christmas!

Con: It's the time of year that we get to decorate the Christmas Tree.

Nim: (So THAT's what it is.)

Nim: I just thought it was the time of year for indoor plumbing.

The triangle shape of the Christmas Tree should remind you of the Holy Trinity.

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