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Tag Archives | trials

Tested By God

christian comics

If you’re going through a hard time, remember that you might be tested by God, but He will never leave you.

↓ Transcript
Con: Have things gotten better?
Nim: Not really.

Con: Well, try not to worry. You won't have to face anything that you can't handle. Just remember that God tests all of us from time to time.

Nim: Test?!!! There's going to be a test?!!! This just keeps getting worse!!! I hope it's a multiple choice test!

Con: Wrong kind of test.
Nim: Abby! I need a tutor! Stat!

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Blessings of Brokenness

christian comics

Every Christian faces difficult times, but God is there to help you through them. And great blessings often follow. #blessings #godslove #trials

↓ Transcript
Nim: I've been having a rough time lately. Why is God letting this happen?

Abby: Isaiah and 1 Peter speak of believers in terms of gold, which is "tried" by fire to become pure. Likewise, people become pure by being "tried."

Abby: But you should always remember that some of God's greatest blessings can only come from hard times. Charles Stanley calls them the Blessings of Brokenness.
Nim: (!)

Nim: Dang! Those must be some strong blessings!

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