Do you trust that God will take care of you everyday? Or do you constantly worry about things, trying to take full control yourself? Let go and let God.
Nim: My newest scheme is gonna make me millions!
Abby: Why is it so important to you to make millions?
Abby: It's not because you don't trust God to take care of you and that you have to take care of yourself, is it?
Nim: You know, you're sucking all the fun out of the world domination thing.
Nim: I've been having a rough time lately. Why is God letting this happen?
Abby: Isaiah and 1 Peter speak of believers in terms of gold, which is "tried" by fire to become pure. Likewise, people become pure by being "tried."
Abby: But you should always remember that some of God's greatest blessings can only come from hard times. Charles Stanley calls them the Blessings of Brokenness.
Nim: (!)