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God Is Greater Than Your Problems

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God Is Greater Than Your Problems

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God is greater than your problems!

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Easter Play Woes

easter comics

This Easter, remember to be always grateful for the incredible gift of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice that saved us all from our sins.

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Con: How's the church's Easter play coming along, Abby?

Abby: Don't ask! Nobody knows their lines! The piano needs tuning! The lights are on the fritz! And the printer put the wrong date on the tickets!

Con: Relax. It could be worse.

Con: Jesus could have never given us a reason to celebrate Easter at all.

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Stop Complaining, Start Giving Thanks

christian cartoons

If you focus too much on your problems, this is a good day to stop complaining and start showing God some gratitude!

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DT: I have so many problems. My leg hurts. I don't like my school. I'm bored with everyone and everything.

Nim: Well, let me ask you this: Where do you think God goes on vacation?
DT: Huh?

DT: Little dude, if you're not going to listen to me, I'm out of here!

Nim: I asked because I had only been listening to you complain for 5 minutes and I needed a vacation. God's been listening your whole life!

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Blessings of Brokenness

christian comics

Every Christian faces difficult times, but God is there to help you through them. And great blessings often follow. #blessings #godslove #trials

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Nim: I've been having a rough time lately. Why is God letting this happen?

Abby: Isaiah and 1 Peter speak of believers in terms of gold, which is "tried" by fire to become pure. Likewise, people become pure by being "tried."

Abby: But you should always remember that some of God's greatest blessings can only come from hard times. Charles Stanley calls them the Blessings of Brokenness.
Nim: (!)

Nim: Dang! Those must be some strong blessings!

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Never More Stress Than You Can Bear

christian cartoons

Don’t let stress get to you. God will never put more problems on you than you can bear. #faith #stress #walkwithgod

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Abby: I am so stressed out, Con. I've just about reached the end of my rope.

Con: Well, Abby, remember that through all of this, God will help. He's walking this difficult road right along beside you. And he'll never allow you to go through more than you're able to endure.

Abby: I know...

Abby: ...but I do wish he had a little less faith in my abilities.

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