Tag Archives | palm sunday

Jesus and Palm Sunday

christian comics

“Most of the crowd spread their garments on the road ahead of him, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road.” – Matthew 21:8

↓ Transcript
Con: Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. The people waved palm fronds at Him as they cheered His arrival.

Con: And only five days later, the crowds turned on Him and He was crucified.

Con: What can we learn from this story, Nim?

Nim: If someone waves palm fronds at you, run the other way!

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This Sunday Is Palm Sunday

palm sunday cartoon

Whether you call it “this Sunday” or “next Sunday,” be sure you go to church on Palm Sunday.

↓ Transcript
Amos: Is next Sunday Easter?
Con: No. Next Sunday is Palm Sunday.

Amos: I thought this Sunday was Palm Sunday.
Con: It is.
Amos: But you said next Sunday was.
Con: Right. The day after tomorrow is next Sunday.

Amos: That's this Sunday. The next Sunday's next Sunday!
Con: That's Sunday after next.

Con: Never mind! I'll see you in church.
Amos: This Sunday or next Sunday?

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Palm Sunday or Paw Sunday?

Palm Sunday Easter Cartoon

Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter Sunday. It commemorates the day Jesus entered Jerusalem on  donkey adn the people throwing palm leaves in front him.

↓ Transcript
Nim: So, Con, are you ready for "Paw Sunday?"

Con: "Paw Sunday?" Don't you mean "Palm Sunday?"

Nim: Nope. See?

Nim: We're dogs. We don't have palms.

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