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Tag Archives | obedience

Obedience To God Part 5

christian webcomic

God’s Word is absolute and let us know what is right or wrong. Don’t try to rewrite His laws for your own selfish purposes, instead try to show obedience to god to be more like Christ.

↓ Transcript
Nim: How's your obedience class?
Abby: Oh, I'm very obedient now!

Abby: In fact, I now see that too many people try to get around God's laws by pointing out the gray areas.

Abby: But I'm here to tell you...things are either right or wrong. Black or white. Everything is either black or white.
Nim: Not everything.

Nim: You're PINK and white.

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Obedience To God Part 4

christian webcomic

Obedience to God is a good model for all relationships in your life. Carry the idea over to how you treat your loved ones. If you want to show respect, show obedience.

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Con: Learn anything new in your obedience class?
Abby: I sure did!

Abby: Obedience is actually just showing respect. So if we respect God, we WANT to obey him. But if we're constantly disobeying him, we should recognize that we're dissing God!

Con: Pardon? "Dissing" God?
Abby: It's a technical term.

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Obedience To God Part 3

funny christian comics

Is your prayer time a real fellowship with the Lord? Or do you just spend a lot of time whining and begging for what you want?

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Dear Diary-To-God...

Today in obedience school, I learned that my master doesn't like it when I just beg all the time.

I thought he loved it when I whined and begged in my adorable way. I thought it meant as much to him as it does to me when he would finally just give me a cookie.

But now I found out that what he wants most is just to spend some time with me.

Imagine that!

Love, Abby

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Obedience To God Part 2

funny christian comics

Stop fighting for what YOU want in your life and start listening to what God wants FOR you. It will be so much better than anything you could imagine.

↓ Transcript
Jerry: How is the obedience training going?
Abby: I have a sore throat.

Abby: I was so busy straining against my collar that I couldn't pay attention to my master's voice.

Abby: But when I stopped fighting him and listened, then I understood that he was looking out for me and wanted what was best for me.

Jerry: That sounds just like our relationship with God.
Abby: But with a sore throat.

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Obedience To God Part 1

bible comics

Obedience to God is necessary for your walk with the Lord. It’s the purest confession of a sincere faith. Where are you being disobedient?

↓ Transcript
Abby: My master signed up for obedience training at our church.

Abby: I'm looking forward to it. I think it will solve a lot of problems in our home.
Con: You LIKE going to obedience training?

Abby: Huh? What are you talking abou...

Abby: You mean the class is for ME???!!!

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Obedience To God Part 6

christian webcomic

Don’t begrudge the people you’re supposed to obey. Love them, love God and do your duty. That’s real obedience to God.

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Dear Diary-to-God...I just finished a full week of obedience classes.

I learned a lot and now my master thinks I'm the perfect pup.

But I'll still probably make mistakes. After all, I'm only canine. But even when I do, he'll forgive me because he's obedient to you.

I guess everyone's obedient to someone, huh? Well, ta for now! Love, Abby

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Romans 4:13 – Obedience


Strong faith doesn’t come about because we’re obedient to God’s laws. Instead, obedience to God’s laws comes about because of a strong faith.

Clearly, God’s promise to give the whole earth to Abraham and his descendants was based not on his obedience to God’s law, but on a right relationship with God that comes by faith.

Romans 4:13

↓ Transcript
Nim: Professor Amos, my master and I are fighting lately.
Amos: Sounds like the two of you need a good obedience class.
Nim: I don't think so. We tried that last year and he was no more obedient coming out as he was going in.

Many of us need an "obedience to God" class!

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The Christian Diet

christian diet

Just like when we’re dieting, Christians must be resolute in their obedience. The body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit and deserves to be treated as holy.

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Amos: The vet made my master put me on a diet.
Nim: How's that going?

Amos: I realized that being on a diet is lot like our journey as Christians. Every morning, we have to wake up and make a decision to be faithful or not.

Nim: Yeah, but at least with a diet, you don't have the devil whispering in your ear to be bad.

Amos: I don't know. I've always thought the devil might come dressed as a cupcake.

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Moment of Silence For Prayer

moment of silence cartoon

Abby’s hopes her obedience school offers her a moment of silence for prayer. #pray #prayerinschool #schoolprayer

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Abby: My owner's sending me to obedience school.

Abby: I'm hoping they respect my faith and allow time for prayer.
Con: There's no prayer in obedience school.

Abby: Oh. Well, do you think they'll offer me a "moment of silence?"
Con: In a room full of dogs?

Con: I think you'll be really lucky if you get even a "second of silence."

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1 John 5:3 – Obey God

christian comics

“This is love for God: to obey his commands.” – 1 John 5:3 #obedience #god #bible #bibleverse #bibleverses

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“This is love for God: to obey his commands.” - 1 John 5:3

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