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Tag Archives | matthew 21

Jesus and Palm Sunday

christian comics

“Most of the crowd spread their garments on the road ahead of him, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road.” – Matthew 21:8

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Con: Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. The people waved palm fronds at Him as they cheered His arrival.

Con: And only five days later, the crowds turned on Him and He was crucified.

Con: What can we learn from this story, Nim?

Nim: If someone waves palm fronds at you, run the other way!

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Matthew 21: Jesus and the Moneychangers

christian comic strip

Nim wonders what is meant in Matthew 21 about Jesus and the Moneychangers. #matthew21 #bible, #denofthieves #biblestories #bibleverse

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Nim: What did the moneychangers change the money into?
Abby: What?

Nim: Jesus got angry with the moneychangers, so I figure that they must have been changing the money into something really bad.

Abby: The moneychangers were turning the Temple into a "Den of Thieves." Jesus said they were disrespecting "His Father's Temple." So he turned over their tables and drove them out.

Nim: I bet they changed the money into a big pile of smelly fish.
Abby: You really are quite odd, aren't you?

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