The Kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news! – Mark 1:15 #mark1 #goodnews #thegoodnews #gospel #jesus #saved
↓ Transcript Nim: Nope. Can't find any.
Con Can't find any what?
Nim: Good news. My pastor says that I should spread the good news, but this paper is full of nothing but bad news.
Con: The good news isn't in the newspaper. The good news is the fact that Jesus is our savior. We're supposed to spread that news to everyone we meet.
Nim: Boy! Let me tell you, this paper could benefit from some of that good news.
Con: No doubt.
Jesus died for you sins and you never have to worry again. So why are you carrying around all that stress? #stress #worry #pain #jesus
↓ Transcript Jesus died for you sins and you never have to worry again. So why are you carrying around all that stress?
I don’t need to win powerball, I’ve already found my Treasure! #bible #faith #iamachristian #powerball #lottery
↓ Transcript Amos: I don't need to win Powerball, I've already found my treasure!
Matthew 2:14 tells how Joseph and Mary fled with Jesus to Egypt to evade Pharaoh’s men. #nativity #jesus #bethlehem #egypt
↓ Transcript Abby: An angel appeared to Joseph and told him to take Mary and Jesus and flee Bethlehem.
Abby: Joseph did as he was told and they went to Egypt. (Matthew 2:14)
Nim: Egypt?!!!
Abby: Nim looks for any opportunity to do his "Pharaoh Dance."
Nim: Dee dee dee dee dee!
The angel's warning not only saved Jesus' life, but also made sure prophecy was fulfilled.
Glory to God in the highest. Peace on earth, goodwill toward men. #god #jesus #heaven #angels #jesus #nativity
↓ Transcript Amos: And suddently there was with the angel a multitude of the Heavenly Host praising God and saying...
Amos: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men."
Nim: Peace toward dogs, too?
The angel appeared to shepherd heralding the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ.
The gifts the three wise men gave baby Jesus were very treasured during that time. #babyjesus #nativity #threewisemen #3wisemen
↓ Transcript Nim: Okay, I understand the gold.
Con: Mmm, hmm.
Nim: And I get the Myrrh.
Con: (Here it comes.)
Nim: But why frankenstein? Wouldn't he just scare baby Jesus?
Con: Not "Frankenstein." Frankincense. It's an aromatic resin used in creating perfume.
Nim: Oh, well. That's a much better gift than a monster.
Con: Ya think?
The gifts the three wise men gave baby Jesus were very treasured during that time.
Nim is curious where Bethelehem is to learn where Jesus lives. #jesuschrist #christmascartoon #christmas #saved #savedbytheblood
↓ Transcript Nim: Where is Bethlehem.
Con: Near Israel.
Nim: Where is Israel?
Con: In the Middle East.
Nim: Where's that?
Con: Where Asia, Africa and Europe meet.
Nim: So that's where Jesus lives?
Con: Nope.
Con: Jesus lives in our hearts.
When you let Jesus into your heart, your soul will be saved.
Con presents a cool Bible Fact about the book of Isaiah. #bible #biblefacts #isaiah #jesuschrist #prophecy
↓ Transcript Con's Big Bible Facts
Con: Isaiah is an interesting Book of the Bible.
Con: First, Isaiah's constructed just like the Bible: There are 66 books in the Bible and 66 chapters in Isaiah. The first 39 books of the Bible deal mainly with Israel, as do the first 39 chapters of Isaiah.
Con: The last 27 books of the Bible concern the life and coming of Jesus Christ, as do the last 27 chapters of Isaiah. In fact, these 27 chapters of the Old Testament predict Jesus, listing more than 20 things about him that came true!
Con: What does all this mean? Beats me, but it's pretty darned neat!
The Bible is a wonderful and amazing thing...But why would God write anything less?