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Tag Archives | healthy

Is Being Overweight A Sin?

diet comic

It’s a good idea to look at anything you’re doing in excess and ask yourself, “Is this interfering with my relationship with God?”

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Nim: Why am I on this stupid diet? It's not like it's a sin or anything to be fat!

Abby: No, it's not a sin, but it might show ingratitude to God for his sacred gift of life.

Abby: Plus, our bodies are the Temple of the Holy Spirit and should be kept as pure as possible.

Nim: Don't argue with me today, fuzzball! I may be small, but I'm hungry!

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Starting A Diet

starting a diet

Matthew 13 tells us how the greatest rewards are worth the greatest sacrifices. Don’t cheat yourself out of your full reward.

↓ Transcript
Abby: Looks like you have to diet, Nim.
Nim: Way ahead of you. I already started.

Abby: Really? That's great! What have you given up?

Nim: Tons of things! Broccoli...zucchini...cabbage...beets...

Abby: But you don't eat any of those...
Nim: I can't wait for the pounds to start melting away!

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I Hate Broccoli

funny christian comic

Sometimes I wish God had made healthy foods like broccoli, brussel sprouts and liver taste more like ice cream, candy and tacos.

↓ Transcript
Nim: Why did God make all the healthy food taste so bad?

Abby: What are you talking about? Broccoli is good for you AND it's delicious!

Nim: Broccoli?! BLEEECCCCHHHH!!!

Abby: Be careful. Your face might freeze like that.
Nim: Make me eat broccoli and it probably will.

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