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Tag Archives | feed the poor

Leviticus 23 – Alien Welcome Kit

Feed the poor

Leviticus 23 tells us to provide for the needy and aliens. But the aliens it talks about aren’t from outer space, they’re people from other countries.

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Nim: Klingon Phrase Book? Check! Reese's Pieces? Check!

Abby: Do you wnat to ask him or should I?

Jerry: Neither. I don't think we even want to know.
Nim: Light saber? Check.

Nim: Well, maybe I didn't even want to tell you. Did you ever think of that?!

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Matthew 25:5 – Feed The Hungry

Matthew 25:5 Feed The Hungry

Abby runs her church’s canned food drive to feed the hungry and Nim brings her some “canned goods.” #feed #feedthehungry #charity #iamachristian

↓ Transcript
Abby: Nim, I'm so glad you have some canned goods for the church food drive.
Nim: Yep!

Nim: And not a plenty in the bunch.

Abby: Not a what in the bunch?
Nim: A plenty. I separated the "Goods" from the "Plenties" before I filled the can.

Nim: And voila! Canned "Goods!"
Abby: (Patience...he means well.

Remember to help those less fortunate this Christmas season.

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