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Say Amen

christian comic strip

Every day for a Christian is a new battle with Satan. Work hard. Amen! #amen #iamachristian #jesus #christianworkout

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Jerry: If you want to be a good Christian, you've got to work at it.
Amos: Say amen!

Jerry: The devil starts early, so you have to work hard every day.
Amos: Say Amen!

Jerry: Work at being good! Work at being true! Work at being the best Christian you can possibly be!
Amos: Say Amen!

Jerry: Now drop and give me twenty!
Amos: Say what?

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Preparing To Walk With The Lord

christian comic strip

Your walk with the Lord will be the most important walk you make. #walkwithjesus #walkwithgod #crossfit #crosstrainers

↓ Transcript
Amos: What's in the shopping bag, Abby?

Abby: Con got me thinking that I need to improve my walk with the Lord, so I bought a new pair of sneakers.

Amos: What kind of sneakers can improve your walk with the Lord?

Abby: Cross-trainers!

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