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Tag Archives | cross

Crown of Thorns

crown of thorns

We should all work to try to be more like Jesus. But make sure of what you’re doing or you might end up with a cone of thorns instead of a crown of thorns.

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Abby: Why are you wearing that cone? And why is it full of thorns?
Nim: I want to be like Jesus.

Abby: Jesus wore a CROWN of thorns, not a CONE of thorns.

Nim: Never mind.

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Isaiah 49:16 – Engraved On The Palm Of My Hands

isaiah 49:16

Because of this verse, you could say that the scars on Jesus’ hands represent the names of all of us who now trust in Him as our Savior and Lord.

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Con's Big Bible Facts

Con: Isaiah 49:16 will rock your socks off!!!

Con: It features God telling the people of Israel He will never forget them, saying "I have engraved you on the palms of my hands..."

Con: Now...what proof did Jesus offer His disciples that He had returned from the dead? The holes in His palms. Those holes were a symbol of God's love and the fact that He will never forget us.

Con: And what's cool is that Isaiah was written 700 years before Jesus!

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Luke 22 – Not My Will, But Yours

easter cartoon comic strip

“Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.” – Luke 22:42

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"...not My will,
but Yours..."

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The Cross Has Made You Flawless

cross had made you flawless

As @bartmillard, , , and  sing in the @mercyme hit song, the cross has made you #flawless!

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The cross has made me flawless!

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Preparing To Walk With The Lord

christian comic strip

Your walk with the Lord will be the most important walk you make. #walkwithjesus #walkwithgod #crossfit #crosstrainers

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Amos: What's in the shopping bag, Abby?

Abby: Con got me thinking that I need to improve my walk with the Lord, so I bought a new pair of sneakers.

Amos: What kind of sneakers can improve your walk with the Lord?

Abby: Cross-trainers!

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