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Tag Archives | colossians

Letters To Colossians

Paul’s letters to Colossians were addressed to people, not aliens. #colossians #bible #thebible #booksofthebible

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Nim: The Bible should have more spaceships!
Con: (Here we go.)

Con: Why should there be spaceships in the Bible?

Nim: 'Cause Paul wrote so many letters to alien races. Galatians...Ephisians...Colossians. I even saw a sci-fi movie on those guys.

Nim: Bow your head, Colossian, or feel the sting of my death-ray! P-Teww! P-Tewwwwww!

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God is the Greatest Treasure of All

god is the greatest treasure

Abby is writing in her Diary to God about learning that God is a much greater treasure than jewelry or clothes.

↓ Transcript
Abby: Dear Diary-to-God...

Abby: I was reading Colossians 2:3 today and learned that my greatest treasure is You.

Abby: I've always treasured jewelry, clothes and other pretty things. But now I realize that You're what I treasure most. Which leaves me wondering...

Abby: Do I need to buy a bigger jewelry box so my bible will fit inside? Love, Abby

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Colossians 2:30 – Find Your Treasure

Find Your Treasure

The idea of finding hidden treasure is exciting. We’ve all fantasized about it at times. But you’ve already found the greatest treasure available: Christ.

In Him lie hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

Colossians 2:3

↓ Transcript
Nim: What's up, Amos? Why aren't you dressed for exploring? We said we were going to look for hidden treasure.
Amos: I know. But I gave it a lot of thought and I realized something. I've already found my treasure!

Have you found your treasure in Christ?

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Colossians 3:23 – Productivity And Work

christian cartoons

Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. – Colossians 3:23

↓ Transcript
Amos: I've been feeling a bit depressed lately.

Con: I hate to hear that. Have you talked to your pastor?

Amos: Yeah. Today he suggested that people can feel down when they don't think they are productive. So he said that I should make it my goal to finish everything that I start.
Con: Did that help?

Amos: Did it ever! So far, I've finished 2 pizzas, 3 candy bars and a big thing of caramel popcorn!

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