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Tag Archives | bible story

Matthew 21: Jesus and the Moneychangers

christian comic strip

Nim wonders what is meant in Matthew 21 about Jesus and the Moneychangers. #matthew21 #bible, #denofthieves #biblestories #bibleverse

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Nim: What did the moneychangers change the money into?
Abby: What?

Nim: Jesus got angry with the moneychangers, so I figure that they must have been changing the money into something really bad.

Abby: The moneychangers were turning the Temple into a "Den of Thieves." Jesus said they were disrespecting "His Father's Temple." So he turned over their tables and drove them out.

Nim: I bet they changed the money into a big pile of smelly fish.
Abby: You really are quite odd, aren't you?

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Jonah And The Whale

christian comic strip

You can read about the story of Jonah and the Whale in the Bible in Jonah 1 and Jonah 2. Then you’ll know the who, what, where, when, why and how.

↓ Transcript
Nim: Abby, help me work on my journalism skills by telling me about Jonah and the whale.

Abby: Okay, one day Jonah...
Nim: Who?
Abby: Jonah. And the whale...
Nim: What?
Abby: A whale...
Nim: Where?
Abby: Umm...
Nim: When? Why?
Abby: Hey!

Nim: Well, I think that covers just about everything. So why do I feel like I've forgotten something?

Abby: Keep it up, and I'll make you forget something!
Nim: How?

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