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Tag Archives | abraham

Name Changes In The Bible

christian comic strips

Nim wants to be like people in the Bible and change his name. #bible #thebible #biblefigures #abraham #christiancomics #prayerpups

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Abby: Hi, Nim.
Nim: Call me "Pim."

Abby: Huh?
Nim: In the Bible, people's names are changed all over the place.

Nim: Saul becomes Paul. Abram becomes Abraham. Simon is called Peter. So I'm going to be "Pim" from now on.

Abby: That's silly.
Nim: Shows what you know, Blabby.

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Isaac Means Laughter

isaac means laughter

Biblical names usually have meaning. For instance, Abraham means Father of nations, Isaac means laughter and Jacob means held by the heel.

↓ Transcript
Nim: Did you know that Isaac's name means "laughter?"
Con: Mm-hmm.

Nim: That's a really funny name. "Laughter."
Con: Mm-hmm.

Nim: I mean, to name a kid something like "laughter" is funny. It's not a name you hear everyday.
Con: Mm-hmm.

Nim: I wonder what "Nim" means.
Con: I don't know. "Pest," maybe?

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