Characters Archives: Con

Constantine, or “Con,” is a little pug with a lot of common sense. Con often helps the others find the truth of God’s Word.

Proverbs 13:17 – Worldly Success

Get RIch Quick Scheme

God wants us to succeed in everything we do, but we should never put the pursuit of money ahead of our relationship with God. Proverbs 13:17 speaks to this:

Wealth from get-rich-quick schemes quickly disappears; wealth from hard work grows over time.

Proverbs 13:17

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Con: What's wrong?
Nim: Abby pointed out something bad I've been doing. I was trying to get rich quick so I could have power over my own destiny, instead of trusting God to care for me.
Con: Cheer up, little guy. At least you see the error of your ways.
Nim: I know. But now I don't get to dominate the world!

Only a fool relies on himself over God.

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Dog Pants

Dog Pants

Ever feel like you’re not getting something you want? Just say a prayer for God to help you. He’s got a plan and he knows our needs before we even need it.

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Nim: It is so hot outside! I'm burning up! Why is God making me so hot this summer?
Con: God's already taken care of you. He made it so that when a dog gets hot, he pants. Why don't you try that?
Nim: I don't have any pants.

God knows everything we need before we need it.

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Joseph And His Coat Of Many Colors

Joseph And His Coat Of Many Colors

Joseph was the youngest song of Jacob, who gave his a luxurious coat made up of many different colors. Joseph’s story is one of envy, guilt and forgiveness.

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Nim: I want my master to dye my fur. I want some of it red, some blue, some pink and maybe even some chartreuse!
Con: Why in the world would you want to do that, Nim?
Nim: Then I could be like Joseph and have a coat of many colors!

Joseph's brothers were envious of his coat of many colors.

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Prayer Is Free

Prayer Is Still Free

It’s easy to let the stress of today’s world get you down. But instead of complaining, say a prayer today asking God to help you recognize your blessings.

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I heard a man complain about the price of gas today.
He said it was an outrage how much he had to pay.

But gas was not the only thing he liked to rave about.
He then said his grocery bill was really too far out.

In spite of all his blessings, no gratitude had he.
He failed to recognize that prayer is still free!

If you're feeling beaten down by the high cost of living, make a date for prayer time with God.

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Matthew 19:26 – With God, Anything Is Possible

God Is My Secret Weapon

Matthew 19:26 says With God, all things are possible. So Nim knows whatever challenge he must face, he can accomplish anything because God is with him.

Share this comic with someone you know is having a difficult day.

Matthew 19:26

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Today might be the day I'll fight off pirates!

Or battle space aliens!

But whatever battle I have to face...God will be on my side.

He's kind of my secret weapon.

With God, all things are possible. - Matthew 19:26

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Jeremiah 29:13 – Finding God On The Internet

Finding God On A Map

There are many resources for learning about God on the web, but you don’t need a search engine to find Him. Just open your heart and speak to Him today.

Jeremiah 29:13


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Abby: I did a search for Heaven on Google Maps, but even they couldn't find it. If Google doesn't know where it is, it must be really hard to find!
Con: It's not hard to find. Just trust in God, and you'll find it very easily.
Abby: Okay, but how do I get to God's search engine?

Finding God is even easier than using a search engine.

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Galatians 5:22 – The Fruits Of The Spirit

Galatians 5:22 - The Fruits Of The Spirit

God gave us 9 gifts to help us become better people called The Fruits of the Spirit. Read about them now in Galatians, then take a moment to memorize them.

Galatians 5:22-23

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. There is no law against these things!

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Con: In Galatians, Paul talks about the Fruits of the Spirit.
Nim: They're the nine gifts given to us by God to help us become better people: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Nim: That's cool! You need to tell everyone about this!
Con: It's not really a secret.
Nim: Come here, Abby! Con's talking about the Holy Vegetables!

You can read about the Fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22

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Isaiah 49:16 – Engraved You On The Palms Of My Hands

Isaiah 49:16 - Engraved You On The Palms Of My Hands

Isaiah 49:16 says God told the people of Israel he will never forget them, saying, “I have engraved you on the palms of My hands.”

Get ready for a mind-blower, then click the “Share Button” to spread God’s Word!

Isaiah 49:16

See, I have engraved you on the palms of My hands; your walls are ever before Me. 

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Con's Big Bible Facts: The Book of Isaiah

Isaiah 49:16 will rock your socks off!!!

It features God telling the people of Israel He will never forget them, saying "I have engraved you on the palms of My hands."

Now...what proof did Jesus offer His disciples that He had returned from the dead? The holes in his palms. Those holes were a symbol of God's love and the fact that He will never forget us.

And what's cool is that Isaiah was written 700 years before Jesus!

You could say that the holes in Jesus' hands represent the names of those He died for.

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Land of Milk and Honey | Exodus 3:8

land of milk and honey cartoon

God promises to deliver the Jews into “a land flowing with milk and honey.” Apparently, Nim thinks the land of milk and honey needs a few other things, as well. Read more about God using Moses to deliver the Jews out of Egypt in Exodus, the second book of the Bible.

Exodus 3:8


Like this comic? Get more in “Four Panels | A Prayer Pups Compilation” available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Lulu.

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Nim: Con, Have you ever been to the Holy Land?
Con: No, but I'd like to go.
Nim: Me, too.
Con: You know it's called "the land of milk and honey."
Nim: I know, but I'm hoping they have some peanut butter and bread, too.

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Sing For Jesus

Prayer Pups Treasure Hunt Book Comic Strip

Sing in church because it’s something we should all do without worry for how talented we are. It’s not about our voice, but about praising God. God loves your voice and has given each of us the ability to praise him through song.

For more comics like these, plus games, puzzles, devotionals and more, order The Prayer Pups new book, Treasure Hunt here:

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Nim: I heard you singing in choir practice and you're so bad!
Con: HEY!!

Con: That's not nice! God wants us to sing joyfully no matter whether we're good or not!
Nim: I know.

Con: Go ahead.
Nim: If you were at the door, you wouldn't know when to come in or even be able to find the key!

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