Characters Archives: Con

Constantine, or “Con,” is a little pug with a lot of common sense. Con often helps the others find the truth of God’s Word.

1 Chronicles – The Begats

1 chronicles

Nim continues his #Bible reading and gets to 1 Chronicles, which has a long list describing the lineage of #Jesus and the “begats.” #readthebible #biblestudy #biblereading #bibleverse

↓ Transcript
Nim: I'm still reading the Bible cover to cover.

Nim: I've really been enjoying it.

Nim: But last night, I got to 1 Chronicles and all the "begats."

Con: And?
Nim: It begat a good night's sleep!

The "begats" of 1 Chronicles and Matthew are important to show the family lineage of Christ.

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God Is Faithful

god is faithful

Con tells Abby that God is faithful and will give her everything she desires. But her desires are expensive!  #God #salvation #jesuschrist #womanoffaith #womanofgod #womenoffaith #womenofgod

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Abby: I'm thinking that if I do what God says, he'll give me what I really want.

Con: You should do what God says and hope you get what he wants you to have.

Abby: What if it's not what I want?
Con: It'll be better.

Abby: Will it be red and leather and totally cute?

We should obey God in all we do without expecting anything in return.

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Focus on God

focus on god

Nim continues his quest in #prayer for God to change his #badhabits. Today he wants better focus.

↓ Transcript
Nim: I've been praying for God to change the way I behave.

Con: Like what?

Nim: Like staying focused on thing at a ti...HEY, A SQUIRREL!

Con: I'd keep praying if I were you.
Nim: I love squid...LOOK, A BIRD!

God will help us change anything about ourselves that we don't like.

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Become a Better Listener

better listener

Nim prays for improvement in his life by asking God to help him become a better listener. #pray #prayer #homeschool #selfimprovement

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Con: So you've been praying that God would change your bad habits?
Nim: Yeah.

Con: You should pray for God to make you listen to other people more.

Nim: Yeah, I know. People always say, "Nim, you never listen."

Nim: At least I think that's what they say. I'm not always paying close attention.

You can learn a lot more about God and yourself if you listen to others.

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Matthew 14:22-33 – Walk On Water

jesus walked on water

Nim tells Con he can walk on water just like Jesus. Con is skeptical, but Nim’s tricky in what he’s talking about.

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Nim: I walked on water today!

Con: Only Jesus can walk on water! Peter walked with him for a moment, but he used Christ's power to do it! It's one of the most important miracles in the Bible!

Con: I don't believe you. Where did you do this alleged "Walking on water??"

Nim: The ice rink at the mall.

You can read about Jesus walking on water in Matthew 14:22-33, Mark 6:45-52 & John 6:16-21.

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Titus 1:6 – Monogamy

titus 1 monogamy

Many of our current laws and customs originally came from the Bible. Today, Nim learns about monogamy from Titus 1:6. Or does he?

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Nim: Paul helped us learn how to lead a Godly life.

Nim: For instance, Titus 1:6 says that a man can only have one wife.

Nim: That's called "monotony."

Con: You mean "monogamy."
Nim: Potatoes, potahtoes.

Many of our current laws and customs originally came from the Bible!

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1 Corinthians – Nim’s Math Test

1 Corinthians

Nim confuses what Paul writes in 1 Corinthians with a loophole to getting out of schoolwork.

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Con: How did your math test go?
Nim: Not well. But it's okay.

Nim: I told my teacher that Paul said God "Made foolish the wisdom of the world." So I don't need to know math.

Con: You realize that's not what that verse really means.

Nim: Tomorrow, I'm going to tell the football coach what I think of him, 'cause God "chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong."
Con: Good luck with that.

Read more of what Paul wrote in his letter by checking out 1 Corinthians

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Pray For Persecuted Christians

pray for christians

Con tells Abby what he’s doing to help persecuted Christians around the world. You can do it too. Just pray right now.

↓ Transcript
Abby: "Pugs are Chinese, right?"

Abby: "Then why don't you do something about the fact that the Chinese aren't allowed to pray or even own a Bible?"

Con: "I have been doing something about it."

Abby: "What?"
Con: Praying for them!"

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The Prodigal Son And The Fattened Calf

the prodigal son

Con explains what happens upon the return of the Prodigal Son in the Gospel of Luke.

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Con: The Father said to his servants, "Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him! Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet."

Con: Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let's have a feast and celebrate. For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found."

Con: "And they all celebrated!"

Nim: "Well, except for the cow."

You can read about the Prodigal Son in the Gospel of Luke.

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Proverbs 16:24 – Kind Words


When you speak to those you love, are your words kind? Everyone you know is going through something difficult today, so a kind word can show a lot of love.

Kind words are like honey – sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.

Proverbs 16:24

↓ Transcript
Con: Have you been been going to the diet classes at the church?
Nim: Yep, for about a week.
Con: Well, I can tell it's working.
Nim: REALLY??!!! I must look fantastic!!! I knew the diet was working, but I had no idea you'd see such a big difference in so short a time. Look at you, you can't keep your eyes off me! I must really be fabulous!
Con: A little compliment goes a long way with Nim.
Nim: Who's got a camera? Someone needs to get a picture of me...quick!

A small compliment to someone you love can go a long way.

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