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Characters Archives: Abby

Abigail, or “Abby,” is a poodle who loves looking pretty. God’s always watching, so she wants to look her best.

Romans 12:2 – Obedience

bible cartoon

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. – Romans 12:2

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Abby: Dear Diary-To-God...

Abby: ...My owner has been sending me to obedience school...

Abby: ...And it brings to mind the Bible passage that says, "As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance." Which presents me with a dilemma.

Abby: I'm now aware that it's wrong to chew my owner's shoes, but they just taste so good. What to do? Love, Abby

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Moment of Silence For Prayer

moment of silence cartoon

Abby’s hopes her obedience school offers her a moment of silence for prayer. #pray #prayerinschool #schoolprayer

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Abby: My owner's sending me to obedience school.

Abby: I'm hoping they respect my faith and allow time for prayer.
Con: There's no prayer in obedience school.

Abby: Oh. Well, do you think they'll offer me a "moment of silence?"
Con: In a room full of dogs?

Con: I think you'll be really lucky if you get even a "second of silence."

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John 3:16 – Everlasting Life

christian comic strip

John 3:16 – God loves us so much he sent Jesus to give us everlasting life. #john316 #bibleverses #thegospels

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Abby: My owner's teaching me tricks.
Jerry: How's that going?

Abby: He wanted me to play dead, but I told him that with Jesus, no one ever dies, but has everlasting life.

Jerry: What did he say to that?

Abby: He didn't understand me. He just yelled at me to stop barking and gave me a cookie.

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James 2:10 – Don’t Lie, Not Even A Fib

christian comics

Even a white lie is a sin in the eyes of God. Read James 2:10 today. #sinner #lying #thoushaltnotlie #lyingtongue

↓ Transcript
Abby: I told a fib yesterday, but it was just a little one. That's okay, right?

Con: Nope. James 2:10 says that if you stumble just a little bit, it's as bad as committing any sin. All sin is one and the same because all sin grows from us choosing to go ahead and do what God forbids. Sin is our willful separation from God.

Con: But Jesus saved us from all past and future sins. Ask his forgiveness and don't do it again.

Con: What did you fib about?
Abby: Remember when you asked if I liked your new cowboy hat?

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Abby’s Diary To God – Thank God

christian comic strip

Why is it that many of the same people who refuse to thank God  for all their blessings…Are quick to blame God for all their troubles? #praise #praisegod #blessed
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Dear Diary-To-God,

Why is it that many of the same people who refuse to give God thanks for all their blessings...
Are quick to blame God for all their troubles?

Love, Abby

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Give Thanks To God

christian comic strip

At least once a day, give thanks to God. #gratitude #thankyoujesus #thankyougod #blessed #blessing

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At least once a day, give thanks to God. #gratitude #thankyoujesus #thankyougod #blessed #blessing

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2 Samuel 6:14 – David And The Ark Of The Covenant

christian comic strip

When the Ark of the Covenant arrived, “David danced before the Lord with all his might.” – 2 Samuel 6:14 #danceforgod #danceforjesus #arkofthecovenant #kingdavid

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“David danced before the Lord with all his might.” - 2 Samuel 6:14

Abby: What are you doing?
Nim: The Ark of the Covenant dance!

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Matthew 2:14 – Pharaoh Dance

christian comic strip

Matthew 2:14 tells how Joseph and Mary fled with Jesus to Egypt to evade Pharaoh’s men. #nativity #jesus #bethlehem #egypt

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Abby: An angel appeared to Joseph and told him to take Mary and Jesus and flee Bethlehem.

Abby: Joseph did as he was told and they went to Egypt. (Matthew 2:14)

Nim: Egypt?!!!

Abby: Nim looks for any opportunity to do his "Pharaoh Dance."
Nim: Dee dee dee dee dee!

The angel's warning not only saved Jesus' life, but also made sure prophecy was fulfilled.

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Advent Adventure

advent cartoon

Advent is a time of anticipation, hope and new beginnings. #advent #prayer #pray #christmas #christ #jesus

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Abby: Where are you going, Con?

Con: On my daily prayer-hike.

Con: I'm celebrating Advent by hiking to a secluded spot and praying every day through Christmas.

Con: I call it my Advent-ure!

Advent is a time of anticipation, hope and new beginnings.

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Girl Power – Women of the Bible

women of the bible cartoon

Abby tells Con about all the strong women of the Bible. #womenofthebible #biblewomen #bookofruth #iamachristian #prayerpups

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Abby: Mary was chosen by God to be the mother of Jesus!
Con: I know.

Abby: And Lydia is thought to have been the very first person in Europe that Paul brought to Christ.
Con: Really?

Abby: Yep! And Mary Magdelene was the first person to witness the ressurrection.
Con: Is there a point to this?


There are many strong women in the Bible. As your pastor where to find them.

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