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Characters Archives: Abby

Abigail, or “Abby,” is a poodle who loves looking pretty. God’s always watching, so she wants to look her best.

It’s Officially Spring, Time To Party!

easter cartoon

Go out and celebrate the wonderful gift of spring and have a lot of fun. But take a moment to reflect on what this week is really about.

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Abby: What's with the jams?
Jerry: It's officially spring, buddy!

Jerry: Time to party! Whoo-hoo! PAR-TAAAAAYYYYY!

Abby: It's also the most holy week of the year. Time to reflect and give praise.
Jerry: I've got that covered too!

Jerry: Great job, God! Whoo-hoo! PUH-RAAAAISSSE!

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Why Should I Be Humble?


“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up in honor.” – James 4:10

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Nim: Why in the world should I be humble?

Nim: I'm smart and I'm extremely talented!
Nim: I possess an incredible sense of style!
Nim: And all the ladies in church love Nim!

Abby: Because Jesus - the perfect Son of God - was humble, and we should try to be like Him.

Nim: Poodles love to rain on your parade.

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The Cross Has Made You Flawless

cross had made you flawless

As @bartmillard, , , and  sing in the @mercyme hit song, the cross has made you #flawless!

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The cross has made me flawless!

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Volunteering At Church

christian comic strips

Your church is a great place to volunteer and get involved, but make sure you don’t overextend yourself (And don’t give dogs coffee).

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Abby: I'm really tired. I'm just dragging along.

Abby: I've been working at the church, singing in praise band, chairing a Mother's Day lunch and trying to keep up with the poodle group Bible study.

Jerry: Sounds like you're burrning the candle at both ends.

Abby: More like I'm pitching candles into a bonfire with wild abandon.
Jerry: I'll make coffee.

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10,000 Thanks!

christian contest

We’ll reach 10K followers on Instagram this weekend & we’re having a contest where you can win advanced copies of the new Prayer Pups book!

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10,000 Thanks!

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Witnessing For Christ

christian comics

Witnessing is telling others about your Salvation and walk with Jesus. Witness to someone today and then pray for them to accept Christ.

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Jerry: I got the chance to witness to someone yesterday.

Abby: That's exciting. I'm not very good at witnessing.

Abby: In fact, I'm so bad that my pastor is taking time with me to help me improve.

Abby: He calls it "The Witnessing Protection Program."

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You Are Blessed!

christian meme

You are blessed! So be grateful!

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You are blessed! So be grateful!

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Titus 3:3 – I Was A Fool

bible comic strip

I was a fool: “Once we, too, were foolish and disobedient. We were misled and became slaves to many lusts and pleasures. Our lives were full of evil and envy, and we hated each other.” – Titus 3:3

↓ Transcript
Nim: Abby, did I tell you I'm moving to Alaska?
Abby: What?!!!


Nim: HeeHeeHeeHeeHee!
Abby: It's March 1st. April Fool's Day isn't until next month.
Nim: Heh...heh...oh.

Nim: Abby, did I tell you I'm moving to Alaska NEXT month?
Abby: Nice try, March Fool.

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Are You A Prayer Warrior?

the war room

Are you a Prayer Warrior? Tag everyone you know who is!

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Prayer Warrior

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Luke 15 – The Prodigal Son

bible comics

Did you ever live your life like a prodigal son or daughter?

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Abby: I got lost yesterday.
Con: How scary!

Abby: I know. And just about the time my master thought he had lost me forever, he saw me looking for him. Then he ran to me and hugged me and gave me lots of cookies.

Con: Wow! That's just like the Parable of the Lost Son!
Abby: You're right!

Abby: I'm the Prodigal Poodle.

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