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Characters Archives: Abby

Abigail, or “Abby,” is a poodle who loves looking pretty. God’s always watching, so she wants to look her best.

Noah’s Wife

Noah cartoon

The Bible never mentions the name of Noah’s wife’s, so we can’t be sure what it was, but ancient Jewish texts record it as Naamah.

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Nim: Was Noah's wife Joan of Arc?

Abby: No. Who in the world would ever think that?

Nim: Apparently we haven't met. My name is Nim.

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Is Being Overweight A Sin?

diet comic

It’s a good idea to look at anything you’re doing in excess and ask yourself, “Is this interfering with my relationship with God?”

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Nim: Why am I on this stupid diet? It's not like it's a sin or anything to be fat!

Abby: No, it's not a sin, but it might show ingratitude to God for his sacred gift of life.

Abby: Plus, our bodies are the Temple of the Holy Spirit and should be kept as pure as possible.

Nim: Don't argue with me today, fuzzball! I may be small, but I'm hungry!

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Starting A Diet

starting a diet

Matthew 13 tells us how the greatest rewards are worth the greatest sacrifices. Don’t cheat yourself out of your full reward.

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Abby: Looks like you have to diet, Nim.
Nim: Way ahead of you. I already started.

Abby: Really? That's great! What have you given up?

Nim: Tons of things! Broccoli...zucchini...cabbage...beets...

Abby: But you don't eat any of those...
Nim: I can't wait for the pounds to start melting away!

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Do Not Be Afraid 2

christian comic strip

Fear of the unknown or unfamiliar is normal, but God can help you deal with your fear so that you have no reason to ever be afraid.

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Abby: Your fear of thunder is irrational, Con.
Con: I know.

Abby: Thunder is just a sonic wave created by the expansion of air surrounding a bolt of lightning.

Con: I know it's irrational, but you of all people should understand. After all, you're afraid of rolled-up newspapers.

Abby: You're not actually comparing a little thunder to "Satan's Baseball Bats," are you?

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Do Not Be Afraid 1

bible comics

If you have something you’re afraid of, read your Bible because it tells us to have no fear, fear not and do not be afraid 365 times. That’s one time for every day of the year!

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Abby: The 4th of July was great. We watched fireworks from the church lawn.


Abby: I heard about you running and hiding in the church when the fireworks show started.
Con: I thought it was thunder!

Con: You know how I feel about the Godless thunder!
Abby: "Godless" thunder?

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Million Dollar Idea Part 1

get rich quick cartoon

God will satisfy all of your needs if you’ll turn your life over to Him. Instead of carrying the weight of trying to manage things you can’t control, lay it all at God’s feet

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Nim: My newest scheme is gonna make me millions!

Abby: Why is it so important to you to make millions?

Abby: It's not because you don't trust God to take care of you and that you have to take care of yourself, is it?

Nim: You know, you're sucking all the fun out of this world domination thing.

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Finding Heaven On Google

using google to find heaven

Finding Heaven is even easier than using a search engine. Just put your trust in the Lord and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and that’s it!

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Abby: I did a search for Heaven on Google Maps, but even they couldn't find it.

Abby: If Google doesn't know where it is, it must be really hard to find!

Con: It's not hard to find. Just trust in God and you'll find it very easily.

Abby: Okay, but how do I get to God's search engine?

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Vacation Bible School

vacation bible school vbs

Vacation Bible School is a great way to learn more about Christ and the Bible. And it’s a lot of fun, as well! Find out about VBS at your local churches.

↓ Transcript
Abby: It's almost summer!
Nim: I know.

Nim: That means bar-be-cues, swimming, staying outside later, shorts, sandals, going to the beach, vacation, no school!

Abby: You forgot the most important thing.
Nim: What's that?


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Church Task Force

Christian Comics

Abby gets added to a church task force. The fewer layers of bureaucracy in your church, the time it has to get things done for everyone.

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Con: How goes the Committee on Committees.
Abby: They've put me on a new task force.

Con: What's the new task force charged with doing?

Abby: We have to create a small group council that will make recommendations to my task force on how to better structure our committees, which I will formally present to the Committee on Committees.

Con: That makes my brain hurt.
Abby: Tell me about it.

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Grateful For Simple Things

christian comic strip

We should always be grateful for simple things. The lack of gratitude can build up inside you and cause all kinds of trouble. Make sure to give thanks today.

↓ Transcript
Abby: We should be grateful to God for giving us even the simplest of things.

Nim: Like grass.

Abby: Yes, Nim. That's very sweet that you're grateful for grass. What made you think of it so quickly.

Nim: I can't go potty unless the ground has grass on it.

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