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Chapters Archives: Comics

Million Dollar Idea Part 2

get rich quick cartoon

Having a big, bold plan is a great idea and can be fun. But be careful you’re doing for the right reason…To further God’s plan in your life.

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The brash young inventor worked overtime, putting the final touches on his scheme to make millions of dollars in the Christian marketplace...

The plan was so simple, yet it would bring total market domination!


Nim: Mwah-ha-ha's are more fun when someone is around to hear them.

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Million Dollar Idea Part 1

get rich quick cartoon

God will satisfy all of your needs if you’ll turn your life over to Him. Instead of carrying the weight of trying to manage things you can’t control, lay it all at God’s feet

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Nim: My newest scheme is gonna make me millions!

Abby: Why is it so important to you to make millions?

Abby: It's not because you don't trust God to take care of you and that you have to take care of yourself, is it?

Nim: You know, you're sucking all the fun out of this world domination thing.

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Philippians 4:19 – God Takes Care Of Our Needs

Gods takes care of us

“And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:19

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Nim: It is so hot outside! I'm burning up!

Nim: Why is God making me so hot this summer?

Con: God's already taken care of you. He made it so that when a dog gets hot, he pants. Why don't you try that?

Nim: I don't have any pants.

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Proverbs 26:11 – A Fool Repeats His Folly

cartoon about proverbs

Don’t keep continuing to try and dod the same things that have always failed in the past. Give yourself a fresh new start with Jesus!

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Nim: Con, why do some people continue to make the same mistakes?

Con: It's just in their nature, I guess.

Con: Proverbs 26:11 says, "As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly."


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Finding Heaven On Google

using google to find heaven

Finding Heaven is even easier than using a search engine. Just put your trust in the Lord and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and that’s it!

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Abby: I did a search for Heaven on Google Maps, but even they couldn't find it.

Abby: If Google doesn't know where it is, it must be really hard to find!

Con: It's not hard to find. Just trust in God and you'll find it very easily.

Abby: Okay, but how do I get to God's search engine?

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Prayer Is Still Free

prayer comic

A lack of gratitude makes it difficult to ever be truly happy. If you’re feeling beaten down and have started complaining, make a date for prayer time with God.

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I heard a man complain about the price of gas today.

He said it was an outrage, how much he had to pay.

But that was not the only thing that put him in a huff.

Then he said his gourmet coffee wasn't hot enough.

In spite of all his blessings, no gratitude had he.

I guess he failed to realize...

That prayer is still free!

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Vacation Bible School

vacation bible school vbs

Vacation Bible School is a great way to learn more about Christ and the Bible. And it’s a lot of fun, as well! Find out about VBS at your local churches.

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Abby: It's almost summer!
Nim: I know.

Nim: That means bar-be-cues, swimming, staying outside later, shorts, sandals, going to the beach, vacation, no school!

Abby: You forgot the most important thing.
Nim: What's that?


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Fruits Of The Spirit Juice Box

fruits of the spirit

Be patient, it can take a long time for the Fruits of the Spirit to grow within you. Just pray and know that God is working in you everyday.

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Nim: Professor Amos, how do I get the Fruits of the Spirit?

Amos: By accepting Christ, they are already growing inside you.

Amos: It takes time, prayer and faith. But God will give them to you.

Nim: Couldn't I just buy them in a convenient juice box?

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Galatians 5 – The Fruits Of The Spirit

fruits of the spirit

Get out your Bible and turn to Galatians 5:22 to read all about the Fruits of the Spirit. They are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

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Con: In Galatians, Paul talks about the Fruits of the Spirit.

Con: They're the nine gifts given to us by God that help us become better people: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Nim: That's cool! You need to tell everyone about this!

Con: It's not really a secret.
Nim: Come here Abby! Con's talking about the Holy Vegetables!

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Isaiah 49:16 – Engraved On The Palm Of My Hands

isaiah 49:16

Because of this verse, you could say that the scars on Jesus’ hands represent the names of all of us who now trust in Him as our Savior and Lord.

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Con's Big Bible Facts

Con: Isaiah 49:16 will rock your socks off!!!

Con: It features God telling the people of Israel He will never forget them, saying "I have engraved you on the palms of my hands..."

Con: Now...what proof did Jesus offer His disciples that He had returned from the dead? The holes in His palms. Those holes were a symbol of God's love and the fact that He will never forget us.

Con: And what's cool is that Isaiah was written 700 years before Jesus!

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