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Chapters Archives: Comics

Billy Graham On Dogs

Billy Graham Quote

“God will prepare everything for our perfect happiness in Heaven, and if it takes my dog being there, I believe he’ll be there.” – Billy Graham

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"God will prepare everything for our perfect happiness in Heaven, and if it takes my dog being there, I believe he'll be there."
- Billy Graham

Nim: Hallelujah!

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Flying Saucers

Hebrews 13:2

“Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.” – Hebrews 13:2

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Amos: What's with the headgear?
Nim: It's my tin-foil hat. The Bible says we should be kind to aliens, so I'm just preparing myself for when their flying saucers get here.

Amos: But the aliens the Bible refers to are people from other countries.

Nim: You are so naive, my friend! Other countries don't even HAVE flying saucers.

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Leviticus 23 – Alien Welcome Kit

Feed the poor

Leviticus 23 tells us to provide for the needy and aliens. But the aliens it talks about aren’t from outer space, they’re people from other countries.

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Nim: Klingon Phrase Book? Check! Reese's Pieces? Check!

Abby: Do you wnat to ask him or should I?

Jerry: Neither. I don't think we even want to know.
Nim: Light saber? Check.

Nim: Well, maybe I didn't even want to tell you. Did you ever think of that?!

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Leviticus 23:22 – Alien

christian webcomic

“…You shall not reap to the very corners of your field nor gather the gleaning of your harvest; you are to leave them for the needy and the alien.” – Leviticus 23:22

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Nim: Con, are we supposed to be nice to everyone?

Con: Yep. In Leviticus 23, God tells landowners not to reap to the edges of their fields. They should leave that for the poor and alien.

Nim: ALIENS!!!???

Con: Not that kind of...
Nim: I wonder if my tin-foil hat still fits.

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Prayer Works

prayer cartoon

Don’t look for God to just be a big vending machine, where you pull a lever and what you ask for drops down. Keep your prayers sincere and Christ-centered.

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Nim: You lied to me! You said prayer works, but it doesn't!
Con: What?

Nim: I prayed for a million dollars and I didn't get squat.
Con: That's not prayer! Thats just looking to God to just give you what YOU want. Honest prayer is selfless and sincere. It draws you closer to God.

Nim: I guess I need to call the dealership and cancel my Porsche, huh?
Con: A Porsche? What would you do with a Porsche?

Con: Give it to my owner so I could hang my head out the window like this!

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Big Church

Church cartoon

Some churches are big and others are small. It doesn’t matter which you go to as long as you’re having fellowship in God. Find the church that fits you best.

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Nim: I visited my uncle's church this weekend.

Nim: It's the biggest church I've ever seen.

Con: How big is it?

Nim: It's so big that the baptistry includes a waterslide and four-star hotel.

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Rock, Paper, Scissors and Evil

christian cartoon

Never pay back evil with more evil. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable. Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.” – Romans 12:17-18

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Nim: Professor Amos, Con says we can use good to conquer evil.

Amos: Con is right. That's what the Bible tells us in Romans 12.

Nim: let me see if I've got this straight.

Nim: Rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper & good beats evil.

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Matthew 25 – Parable Of The Virgins

christian webcomic

You can read about the Parable of the Virgins in Matthew 25. It says that we must be prepared at all times for Christ’s return because none of us knows when it will be.

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Abby: Well, it took every penny I had, but now I'm prepared!

Abby: I didn't want to be without lamp oil like the virgins in Matthew 25, so I bought 40 cases of the stuff!

Con: Abby, surely you know that the Parable of Ten Virgins is a metaphor for the fact that we all need to be SPIRITUALLY prepared for Christ's return. Not that we need to buy lamp oil!

Abby: So I spent all this money on oil when I could have spent it on new shoes?!

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Baptism Sound Effects

christian comic

Baptism is a gift from God and is a part of your personal relationship with Jesus Christ. If you’re not baptized, talk to your pastor today.

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Amos: Nim, how did you enjoy the baptism in church today?

Nim: Oh, it was all right, but if you ask me, it needed bigger production value. Lots of flash! Maybe do something cool with the lighting.

Amos: Ummm...
Nim: I've got it! Sound effects!!!

Amos: I don't think...

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Luke 6:29 – Turn The Other Cheek

turn the other cheek

“If someone slaps you on one cheek, offer the other cheek also. If someone demands your coat, offer your shirt also.” – Luke 6:29

↓ Transcript
Nim: I don't understand how I'm supposed to defeat evil with good.

Nim: I just don't understand how it would work. I won't get anywhere by being nice to people who are being mean to me.

Nim: What am I supposed to do if someone kicks me in the booty?

Con: I don't know...turn the other cheek?

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