Do you have an attitude of gratitude? #gratitude #grateful #thankful #thanks #blessed #blessings #iamachristian
↓ Transcript Amos: What do you view as the world's biggest's problem?
Con: That's easy...lack of gratitude.
Con: If we were all just more grateful for what God has given us instead of worrying about what we don't have, most of the world's problems would be cleared up. What do you think is the biggest problem today?
Amos: Lack of cookies.
Jesus is my rock and always will be. “The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior;” – Psalm 18:2
Getting in step with God is about the journey toward the life He wants for you. #christianity #christian #walkwithgod #lovegod
↓ Transcript Nim: I hear you're walking with the Lord.
Abby: That's right.
Nim: Do you ever go like, "Hey God! I'll race you to the lamp post" and then you start running before He knows what's happened?
Abby: I'm not RACING with the Lord, Nim.
Nim: Good thing. He'd probably smoke you!
Abby: Isn't there someone else you can bother?
Today is a great day to walk with Jesus. @themercyme @Lauren_Daigle @cecewinans @annewilsonmusic @taurenwells
↓ Transcript Water? Check.
Nutrition bar? Check.
MP3 Player? Check.
Abby: When starting your walk with the Lord, make sure you're prepared for a marathon.
Your walk with the Lord will be the most important walk you make. #walkwithjesus #walkwithgod #crossfit #crosstrainers
↓ Transcript Amos: What's in the shopping bag, Abby?
Abby: Con got me thinking that I need to improve my walk with the Lord, so I bought a new pair of sneakers.
Amos: What kind of sneakers can improve your walk with the Lord?
Abby: Cross-trainers!
Every day is a new opportunity to improve our walk with God. #walkwithgod #bible #iamachristian #godlywalk #walkwithjesus
↓ Transcript Con: We all need to improve our walk with the Lord.
Abby: I agree. And preparing ourselves beforehand can help to make the most of that walk.
Con: That's very insightful, Abby. Do we prepare by examining our sinful nature? Or by seeking counsel with mentors? Or by praying for guidance?
Abby: Or do we prepare by buying a cute new pair of shoes?
“The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear?” – Psalm 27 #psalm #psalm 27 #zombies #fear #nofear
↓ Transcript Con: Psalm 27 says "The Lord is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear?"
Nim: Zombies.
Con: What?
Nim: You should be afraid of zombies. Very afraid.
Con: First of all, the passage tells me that if I trust in God, I have nothing to fear. Secondly, there's no such thing as zombies.
Nim: That's just what they want you to think.
When you confess your sins, you acknowledge your understanding that you sinned against HIM. #confess #confession #forgiveness
↓ Transcript Nim: Why do I have to confess my sins to God? Doesn't He already know what I did?
Con: Yes, but by confessing your sins, you acknowledge that you understand that you sinned against HIM.
Con: The most important thing to understand about sin is not how it hurts us or those around us, but how it hurts God. He loves us and wants us to choose His ways.
Nim: Now I get it. Okay, get lost! I have to tell God what I did to your chew toy.
Con: What?
“The only things we can keep are the things we freely give to God. What we try to keep for ourselves is just what we are sure to lose.” – CS Lewis
↓ Transcript “The only things we can keep are the things we freely give to God. What we try to keep for ourselves is just what we are sure to lose.” - CS Lewis