There are lots of ways to get involved at your church. Are you a good writer? Then why not volunteer to write for the church newsletter?
↓ Transcript
Nim: I've started writing for the church newsletter.
Con: That's great!
Nim: Yeah, and I'm not going to just write fluff-pieces either. I'm going to be a hard-hitting, take-no-prisoners, investigative journalist.
Nim: I'm going to use the time-honored tools of baseless accusations, innuendo and fear to whip my readers into a fury! Now I just need a juicy subject for my first Pulitzer Prize-winning story!
Con: I don't know if...
Nim: I've got it! Wednesday Night Suppers: What Are You REALLY Eating?!!!
Con: That's great!
Nim: Yeah, and I'm not going to just write fluff-pieces either. I'm going to be a hard-hitting, take-no-prisoners, investigative journalist.
Nim: I'm going to use the time-honored tools of baseless accusations, innuendo and fear to whip my readers into a fury! Now I just need a juicy subject for my first Pulitzer Prize-winning story!
Con: I don't know if...
Nim: I've got it! Wednesday Night Suppers: What Are You REALLY Eating?!!!