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Genesis 6:18 – Noah’s Wife

Noah's Wife

The story of Noah’s arc covers a large part of Genesis (Gen 5:32-10:1). Although Noah’s wife plays a large part in the story, we never learn her name.

But I will confirm my covenant with you. So enter the boat—you and your wife and your sons and their wives.

Genesis 6:18

↓ Transcript
Nim: Was Noah's wife Joan of Ark?
Abby: No! Who in the world would ever think that?
Nim: Apparently we haven't me, my name is Nim.

No one knows the name of Noah's wife because it's never mentioned in the Bible.

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Noah’s Wife

Noah cartoon

The Bible never mentions the name of Noah’s wife’s, so we can’t be sure what it was, but ancient Jewish texts record it as Naamah.

↓ Transcript
Nim: Was Noah's wife Joan of Arc?

Abby: No. Who in the world would ever think that?

Nim: Apparently we haven't met. My name is Nim.

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