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Tag Archives | small church

My Church Is So Small…

small church comic

Nim tells Con about his cousin’s church, which he says is really small. Just remember, it doesn’t matter if your church is big or small, as long as it gives praise to Jesus.

↓ Transcript
Nim: I visited my cousin's church this weekend.

Nim: It's the smallest church I've ever been to.

Con: How small is it?

Nim: Well, they don't have a praise band. But they've got a kid named "Pickle" who plays the kazoo.

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Big Church

Church cartoon

Some churches are big and others are small. It doesn’t matter which you go to as long as you’re having fellowship in God. Find the church that fits you best.

↓ Transcript
Nim: I visited my uncle's church this weekend.

Nim: It's the biggest church I've ever seen.

Con: How big is it?

Nim: It's so big that the baptistry includes a waterslide and four-star hotel.

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Small Churches

bible comics

Small churches are often charming and filled with the Holy Spirit. They’re often more like small groups that focus on bible study.

↓ Transcript
Nim: I visited my cousin's church this weekend.

Nim: It's the smallest church I've ever been to.

Con: How small is it?

Nim: Well, they don't have a praise band. But they've got a kid named "Pickle" who plays the kazoo.

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