Tag Archives | service

Very Traditional Church

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Some churches are traditional, some are contemporary. Some are big, some are small. Some meet once a week, some have activities everyday. Find the one that fits you.

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Abby: My Uncle Casey's church is very traditional.

Con: How traditional is it?

Abby: The last time anyone tried to change a lightbulb...

Abby:...the congregation cried, "Change?! You want to CHANGE something?!!!"

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Church Volunteer

christian comics

Whatever you unique and special talent is, your church needs it. So get in the game and become a church volunteer! It’ll change your life!

↓ Transcript
Abby: How do you like volunteering at your church?

Nim: It seems like they're trying to work me to death!

Abby: That's because so few do the work for so many. Just remember, churches are like football games...

Abby: 1,000 on the sidelines who need some exercise and 22 people in the game who need some rest.

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