Tag Archives | scheme

Million Dollar Idea Part 3

matthew 19:24

The Bible has a lot of great advice and counsel to give each of us in every decision and plan we make. Just make sure you understand what it actually says.

↓ Transcript
Jerry: How go the moneymaking schemes, Nim?
Nim: I've given up on them.

Nim: I read in the Bible that it's easier for a camel to pass through a noodle than for a rich man to get into Heaven.

Jerry: No...it's a needle.
Nim: A needle through a noodle? That doesn't sound too hard!

Jerry: No, you...
Nim: Get ready world! Nim's Scheme Machine is back in business!

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Million Dollar Idea Part 1

get rich quick cartoon

God will satisfy all of your needs if you’ll turn your life over to Him. Instead of carrying the weight of trying to manage things you can’t control, lay it all at God’s feet

↓ Transcript
Nim: My newest scheme is gonna make me millions!

Abby: Why is it so important to you to make millions?
Nim: Because...well...um...because...you see...it's...I...

Abby: It's not because you don't trust God to take care of you and that you have to take care of yourself, is it?

Nim: You know, you're sucking all the fun out of this world domination thing.

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