Tag Archives | saved

Get Out Of Jail Free

Get Out Of Jail Free

Some people mistakenly think salvation is a “Get Out Of Jail Free” card, letting us to do whatever we want. But sincere faith calls for desiring God’s will.

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Nim: My friend said it's okay for Christians to sin because God's forgiveness is like a free pass to do whatever you want.
Abby: Your friend is wrong. And if he thinks that way, he might not have sincerely accepted Christ.
Nim: It's funny. That's EXACTLY what I told him! Actually, I just said "Shut up, you pootyhead!" But the gist was the same as what you said.

God's forgiveness through Christ isn't a "Get out of Jail Free" card for us.

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Saved By Grace

bible comic strip

Saved by Grace – We aren’t saved by our own deeds, but rather by the grace of God through the precious gift of Jesus Christ’s crucifiction and resurrection.

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I'm saved by grace!

Not by deeds!

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Saved By His Blood

christian cartoons

We are all saved by His blood when we accept Jesus Christ as our personal savior and begin living our lives as born again.

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Saved By His Blood

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Mark 1:15 – The Good News

christian comic strip

The Kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news! – Mark 1:15 #mark1 #goodnews #thegoodnews #gospel #jesus #saved

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Nim: Nope. Can't find any.
Con Can't find any what?

Nim: Good news. My pastor says that I should spread the good news, but this paper is full of nothing but bad news.

Con: The good news isn't in the newspaper. The good news is the fact that Jesus is our savior. We're supposed to spread that news to everyone we meet.

Nim: Boy! Let me tell you, this paper could benefit from some of that good news.
Con: No doubt.

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Jesus Lives In Our Hearts

jesus lives in our hearts cartoon

Nim is curious where Bethelehem is to learn where Jesus lives. #jesuschrist #christmascartoon #christmas #saved #savedbytheblood

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Nim: Where is Bethlehem.
Con: Near Israel.

Nim: Where is Israel?
Con: In the Middle East.
Nim: Where's that?
Con: Where Asia, Africa and Europe meet.

Nim: So that's where Jesus lives?
Con: Nope.

Con: Jesus lives in our hearts.

When you let Jesus into your heart, your soul will be saved.

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