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Tag Archives | salvation

Get Out Of Jail Free

Get Out Of Jail Free

Some people mistakenly think salvation is a “Get Out Of Jail Free” card, letting us to do whatever we want. But sincere faith calls for desiring God’s will.

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Nim: My friend said it's okay for Christians to sin because God's forgiveness is like a free pass to do whatever you want.
Abby: Your friend is wrong. And if he thinks that way, he might not have sincerely accepted Christ.
Nim: It's funny. That's EXACTLY what I told him! Actually, I just said "Shut up, you pootyhead!" But the gist was the same as what you said.

God's forgiveness through Christ isn't a "Get out of Jail Free" card for us.

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Crown of Thorns

crown of thorns

We should all work to try to be more like Jesus. But make sure of what you’re doing or you might end up with a cone of thorns instead of a crown of thorns.

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Abby: Why are you wearing that cone? And why is it full of thorns?
Nim: I want to be like Jesus.

Abby: Jesus wore a CROWN of thorns, not a CONE of thorns.

Nim: Never mind.

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Titus 3:4-5 – His Mercy

Bible Verse Cartoon

When God our Savior revealed His kindness and love, He saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy.” – Titus 3:4-5

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When God our Savior revealed His kindness and love, He saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy. - Titus 3:4-5

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Finding Heaven On Google

using google to find heaven

Finding Heaven is even easier than using a search engine. Just put your trust in the Lord and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and that’s it!

↓ Transcript
Abby: I did a search for Heaven on Google Maps, but even they couldn't find it.

Abby: If Google doesn't know where it is, it must be really hard to find!

Con: It's not hard to find. Just trust in God and you'll find it very easily.

Abby: Okay, but how do I get to God's search engine?

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I’m 100% Redeemed

christian meme

I’m 100% Redeemed!

Through God’s Grace!

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I'm 100% Redeemed!

Through God's Grace!

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Ephesians 1:7 Saved By Grace

christian comic

“He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins.” – Ephesians 1:7

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Forgiven by Grace

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Do You Know Your Way Home?

christian webcomic

When a pastor or preacher asks if you “know your way home,” it means “your eternal home in Heaven.” Find someone today who needs to know their way home and spread the Good News.

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Nim: Our pastor asked us if we knew "our way home."

Nim: So I said, "Duh, not only do I know MY way home, but I know where YOU live too, Pastor. In fact, I'm quite fond of that fire hydrant in your front yard."

Amos: Oh, Nim. You didn't!
Nim: Yep, I did.

Nim: Did you know a preacher's face turns purple before it turns red?

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Easter Lives On

easter comic strip

Continue to celebrate the fact that Easter lives on by giving thanks for the precious and holy gift of your salvation.

↓ Transcript
Abby: It looks like another Easter is behind us.
Nim: Yep.

Abby: And God's gift of Christ's undying love lives on.
Nim: Yep.

Abby: Do you know what else lives on?
Nim: What?

Abby: The goo in my teeth from all the Peeps I ate.
Nim: Amen!!!

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Easter Play Woes

easter comics

This Easter, remember to be always grateful for the incredible gift of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice that saved us all from our sins.

↓ Transcript
Con: How's the church's Easter play coming along, Abby?

Abby: Don't ask! Nobody knows their lines! The piano needs tuning! The lights are on the fritz! And the printer put the wrong date on the tickets!

Con: Relax. It could be worse.

Con: Jesus could have never given us a reason to celebrate Easter at all.

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Saved By Grace

bible comic strip

Saved by Grace – We aren’t saved by our own deeds, but rather by the grace of God through the precious gift of Jesus Christ’s crucifiction and resurrection.

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I'm saved by grace!

Not by deeds!

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