Tag Archives | reflect

It’s Officially Spring, Time To Party!

easter cartoon

Go out and celebrate the wonderful gift of spring and have a lot of fun. But take a moment to reflect on what this week is really about.

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Abby: What's with the jams?
Jerry: It's officially spring, buddy!

Jerry: Time to party! Whoo-hoo! PAR-TAAAAAYYYYY!

Abby: It's also the most holy week of the year. Time to reflect and give praise.
Jerry: I've got that covered too!

Jerry: Great job, God! Whoo-hoo! PUH-RAAAAISSSE!

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Happy New Year 2016!

new years day comic

Take some time today to decide how to be a better Christian in the new year. #2016 #happynewyear #iamachristian #jesus #jesuschrist #christiancomic

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Con: 2015 is over.
Nim: Cheers!

Con: It was a good year!

Con: Full of glorious moments!

Con: Here's to 2016!
Nim: What is this? Root beer?

Take some time today to reflect on all of God's gifts in 2015 and how to be a better Christian in 2016.

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