Tag Archives | pray

Become a Better Listener

better listener

Nim prays for improvement in his life by asking God to help him become a better listener. #pray #prayer #homeschool #selfimprovement

↓ Transcript
Con: So you've been praying that God would change your bad habits?
Nim: Yeah.

Con: You should pray for God to make you listen to other people more.

Nim: Yeah, I know. People always say, "Nim, you never listen."

Nim: At least I think that's what they say. I'm not always paying close attention.

You can learn a lot more about God and yourself if you listen to others.

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Prayer Works

prayer cartoon

Don’t look for God to just be a big vending machine, where you pull a lever and what you ask for drops down. Keep your prayers sincere and Christ-centered.

↓ Transcript
Nim: You lied to me! You said prayer works, but it doesn't!
Con: What?

Nim: I prayed for a million dollars and I didn't get squat.
Con: That's not prayer! Thats just looking to God to just give you what YOU want. Honest prayer is selfless and sincere. It draws you closer to God.

Nim: I guess I need to call the dealership and cancel my Porsche, huh?
Con: A Porsche? What would you do with a Porsche?

Con: Give it to my owner so I could hang my head out the window like this!

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The After Prayer Sale

christian webcomic

Yesterday was the National Day of Prayer in the US. What and who did you pray for? Make sure to to keep the prayers going today and everyday!

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Nim: I'll bet the mall is crowded!
Amos: Why?

Nim: It's the day after the National Day of Prayer!
Amos: So?

Nim: So? The day after holidays are always crazy at the mall. You know, like the day after Thanksgiving...Christmas...New Year's...

Nim: Last week, I went for the day after Arbor Day Sale. Whoa! It was a madhouse!

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What Is The National Day Of Prayer?

national day of prayer

The National Day of Prayer is the day that US Christians should pray for our country, military, media, business, education, church and family.

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Con's Big Prayer Facts

Con: May fifth is the National Day of Prayer in the United States.

It was created in 1952 by Congress.

It was signed into law by President Harry S. Truman.

Its purpose is to be an intercessor for the US and its leadership.

Con: Churches all over the country are staying open 24 hours today. So what are you waiting for?

Start praying now!

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Prayer Works!

prayer meme

Prayer Works!

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Prayer Works

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Pray For Ecuador

pray for ecuador

I usually don’t post on Sunday, but this devastation in Ecuador requires urgent prayers! The Prayer Pups has over 100 followers who live in Ecuador. I’m praying for their safety and for their countrymen. #prayforecuador

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Pray for Ecuador
Orar Por Ecuador

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Pray For The Martyrs

christian meme

Our brothers and sisters in Christ are being persecuted everyday around the world. Pray for the martyrs.

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Pray For The Martyrs

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Pray For Friend In The Hospital

christian webcomic

If someone you know is sick or in the hospital, take time today to pray for them, for their families and for their doctors or caregivers.

↓ Transcript
Nim: My friend is really sick and had to go to the hospital.
Abby: Oh, no!

Nim: He's facing rough times, but his doctors are the best around, so he's in good hands.

Abby: Did you pray for him?
Nim: A lot!

Abby: Then he's in the best hands around!

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Prayer For Depression

christian comics

When you’re feeling depression and don’t know what to do, pray to Jesus to help you find the blessings in your life. It’s guaranteed to help!

↓ Transcript
Con: You were depressed a while back, Nim. Are you better?
Nim: Yep!

Nim: I asked Jesus for help, and He took care of me.
Con: I'm glad to hear it.

Nim: Me too. I was lower than a snake's belly crawling in a ditch at the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

Con: How long have you been waiting to use that one?
Nim: All week.

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