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Tag Archives | matthew 13

Matthew 14 – The Miracle Of The Loaves And The Fishes

miracle of the loaves and fishes

Matthew 14:13-21 documents a miracle by Jesus Christ, when He fed 5,000 people with only 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread.

↓ Transcript
Con: What important lesson does Jesus teach us with the Miracle of the Loaves and the Fishes?

Nim: That sometimes guests just don't know when to go home.

Con: No! It's one of Jesus' greatest miracles and shows us the importance of sharing what we have with others.

Nim: (Wouldn't need to share if people would learn to go home on time.)
Con: What?

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Getting Serious About A Diet

diet cartoon

Be sure you don’t judge others. All judgment is reserved for God. You can find the Parable of the Weeds in your Bible. Just go to Matthew 13.

↓ Transcript
Nim: I've been kidding myself, but now I'm serious about my diet.

Nim: I don't want others judging me and thinking I'm just a fatso.

Con: And they shouldn't. Jesus teaches us in the Parable of the Weeds that we shouldn't judge the "Good Seed" from the "Weeds." All judgment should be left to God.

Nim: That might be helpful if I was eating seeds. But what I need is a diet food that doesn't taste like feet!

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