Tag Archives | law

Obedience To God Part 5

christian webcomic

God’s Word is absolute and let us know what is right or wrong. Don’t try to rewrite His laws for your own selfish purposes, instead try to show obedience to god to be more like Christ.

↓ Transcript
Nim: How's your obedience class?
Abby: Oh, I'm very obedient now!

Abby: In fact, I now see that too many people try to get around God's laws by pointing out the gray areas.

Abby: But I'm here to tell you...things are either right or wrong. Black or white. Everything is either black or white.
Nim: Not everything.

Nim: You're PINK and white.

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Obedience To God Part 1

bible comics

Obedience to God is necessary for your walk with the Lord. It’s the purest confession of a sincere faith. Where are you being disobedient?

↓ Transcript
Abby: My master signed up for obedience training at our church.

Abby: I'm looking forward to it. I think it will solve a lot of problems in our home.
Con: You LIKE going to obedience training?

Abby: Huh? What are you talking abou...

Abby: You mean the class is for ME???!!!

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Exodus 20 – The Ten Commandments

christian comic strip

Read more about the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20. #10commandments #tencommandments #exodus #bible #biblestory #biblestories #moses

↓ Transcript
Nim: Okay. I've got the ketchup, the mustard, the salsa, the pickles, the onions and the cheese.

Nim: But that's only six. What are the other four?

Con: Other four? What are you talking about?

Nim: I'm trying to follow the ten condiments.

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