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Tag Archives | kidmin

The Epistles

the epistles

Nim says his church’s Children’s Minister asked about the Epistles. #kidmin #childrensminister #bible #biblestories #apostle

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Nim: My children's minister asked me what the Epistles were.

Nim: And I said, "They were the wives of the Apostles."

Amos: "What did he say?"

Nim: "Not muc. He just put his face in his hands and mumbled "Give me strength, Lord."

The Epistles were letters Paul wrote that are now books in the Bible.

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Vacation Bible School

vacation bible school vbs

Vacation Bible School is a great way to learn more about Christ and the Bible. And it’s a lot of fun, as well! Find out about VBS at your local churches.

↓ Transcript
Abby: It's almost summer!
Nim: I know.

Nim: That means bar-be-cues, swimming, staying outside later, shorts, sandals, going to the beach, vacation, no school!

Abby: You forgot the most important thing.
Nim: What's that?


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