Tag Archives | jesus

John 3:16 – Everlasting Life

christian comic strip

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Abby: My owner's teaching me tricks.
Jerry: How's that going?

Abby: He wanted me to play dead, but I told him that with Jesus, no one ever dies, but has everlasting life.

Jerry: What did he say to that?

Abby: He didn't understand me. He just yelled at me to stop barking and gave me a cookie.

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John 2:1-11 – Water Into Wine

christian comics

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Nim: I know that Jesus did a lot of miracles. What was the first one?

Con: At a wedding, he turned the water into wine.

Nim: Blechhhhhh!

Nim: In my opinion, root beer would have been a tastier choice.

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Mark 1:15 – The Good News

christian comic strip

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Nim: Nope. Can't find any.
Con Can't find any what?

Nim: Good news. My pastor says that I should spread the good news, but this paper is full of nothing but bad news.

Con: The good news isn't in the newspaper. The good news is the fact that Jesus is our savior. We're supposed to spread that news to everyone we meet.

Nim: Boy! Let me tell you, this paper could benefit from some of that good news.
Con: No doubt.

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Jesus and Stress

christian comic strips

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Jesus died for you sins and you never have to worry again. So why are you carrying around all that stress?

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I Don’t Need To Win Powerball

powerball lottery jackpot

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Amos: I don't need to win Powerball, I've already found my treasure!

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Matthew 21: Jesus and the Moneychangers

christian comic strip

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Nim: What did the moneychangers change the money into?
Abby: What?

Nim: Jesus got angry with the moneychangers, so I figure that they must have been changing the money into something really bad.

Abby: The moneychangers were turning the Temple into a "Den of Thieves." Jesus said they were disrespecting "His Father's Temple." So he turned over their tables and drove them out.

Nim: I bet they changed the money into a big pile of smelly fish.
Abby: You really are quite odd, aren't you?

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Matthew 2:14 – Pharaoh Dance

christian comic strip

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Abby: An angel appeared to Joseph and told him to take Mary and Jesus and flee Bethlehem.

Abby: Joseph did as he was told and they went to Egypt. (Matthew 2:14)

Nim: Egypt?!!!

Abby: Nim looks for any opportunity to do his "Pharaoh Dance."
Nim: Dee dee dee dee dee!

The angel's warning not only saved Jesus' life, but also made sure prophecy was fulfilled.

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Christmas Gifts

christmas cartoon

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Nim: Did you enjoy your Christmas, Con?

Con: Oh, yeah! First we got up at 4:00am and helped our church deliver Christmas gifts to needy children. Then we met our friends for a prayer breakfast. Then we opened presents, had a great meal and gave thanks to God for the ultimate gift of His son, Jesus Christ.

Nim: I got a rubber hamburger that squeaks when I bite it.

Here's hoping everyone had a safe and wonderful Christmas!

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Merry Christmas From The Prayer Pups!

christmas cartoon

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Merry Christmas! Hallelujah! For He is born! #christmas #nativity #jesus #keepchristinchristmas #reasonfortheseason

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Christmas Eve

christmas eve cartoon

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Holy...Holy...Holy...Forever and Ever.

On a day like this over 2,000 years ago, the world was changed forever by a loving God.

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